How Do I Get Back Into Ketosis Faster After Cheating on My Diet?

Box of Cupcakes at the Office
Slipped off Your Low-Carb Diet?
Here's How to Recover Quickly!
Did you go out to eat at a restaurant? Restaurants are famous for hiding sugar and other carby fillers in their food. 

Maybe you went to a party, and couldn't tell if your food was really free of carbs, or not. Perhaps, you deliberately caved in to those delicious looking cupcakes that someone brought into the office, or you decided to chuck the dieting game and just kick back and enjoy your vacation. 

Now that you've come to your senses, you know you blew it, but you're hoping that it won't harm your low-carb diet efforts too much.

Whatever happened, it's over now. Don't beat yourself up about it.

However, the Ketostix might be giving you a bad time. Instead of turning pink this morning, they stayed beige. The scale bounced up a pound or two, and now, you're craving those chocolate chip cookies you used to make for the kids before you went on the Atkins Diet.

You're afraid that you aren't in Ketosis anymore.

You desperately want to fix the problem – fast. 

You gotta:

  • get the sticks turning lavender again
  • lose the excess weight as quick as possible
  • get your low-carb diet back on track

More importantly, you want to feel the euphoria that comes when you’re predominantly burning fatty acids for fuel. You want that upswing in energy, and you want to see the scale moving downward again.

So what’s the fastest way to get back into ketosis after you blew it?

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