
Showing posts matching the search for 2 Stone In A Month Diet

Which is Worse for You? Sugar or Fat?

This afternoon, Jimmy Moore popped up in my Facebook feed. Since he follows a Nutritional Ketosis program rather than the Atkins Diet, I rarely read his blog any more, but I do read his Facebook posts when I'm there. In this particular Facebook post, Jimmy was quite upset. Apparently, a couple of twin doctors in Europe (Alexander and Chris Van Tolleken) decided to do a 30-day experiment to discover for themselves which was worse for a dieter: eating sugar or fat. I could tell by Jimmy's Facebook comments that the low-carb diet the article's author had decided to follow didn't turn out very well. He took offense at the doctor's personal experience of being "thick headed" during those 30 days, and argued that the doctor wasn't following a Nutritional Ketosis diet, so he might not have really been in Ketosis. Plus, 30 days is not long enough to become keto-adapted. In Jimmy's opinion, anything other than the Nutritional Ketosis parameters he follow

how to diet before pregnancy

 welcome to healthcare at home we have got mails from so many viewers they have written that after pregnancy after the delivery of baby they faces so much problems they want some guidance, some home remedies with the remedies they can useful for the ladies so that post delivery what all problems occurs or those who have just deliver baby they got relief from their problem let us talk about this problem and we will begin with pregnancy what you have to do during pregnancy with the help of this your baby will be healthy,fair and beautiful for this right from the first month to eight month in the afternoon you have to consume two oranges if you consume two oranges then your baby will be absolutely healthy fair and beautiful apart from that in the first 4 month if you get clarified bambusa arundinacea powder then take it along with the milk this remedy will also keep your baby healthy,fair and beautiful in your breakfast if you consume gooseberry jam then you and your baby will be absol