
Showing posts matching the search for January Diet Motivation

Why Do You Want to Lose Weight with Low Carb?

With Christmas and the holidays behind us, a lot of people have now turned their focus toward the new year and what they want to accomplish. For a lot of folks, that means getting into shape. Making better food choices, losing a few pounds, and kicking up your activity level tends to become a priority when January rolls around. Does that sound like you? Why Do You Want to Lose Weight With Low Carb? Are you dissatisfied with the way you are? Are you thinking about going on a low-carb diet? Do you feel that weight loss will improve your life? Do you believe weight loss will help you fit into some ideal? Why do you really want to lose weight? The answers to all of those questions, and more, will determine your ability to succeed on a low-carb diet. Or any diet at all. Most New Year's Resolutions Fail Have you ever noticed that very few people are able to stick with their New Year's resolutions for more than a few weeks? It's true. Almost 90-percent of all those who set one or

How to Lose Weight Faster on Your Low-Carb Diet

In general, a low-carb diet doesn't cause you to lose weight any faster than a low-calorie diet does, unless you have a lot of body fat to get rid of. People who fall into the obese category can lose a bucket-load of body fat during the first few months, on any diet, but there is a biological reason for that. For most folks, the body limits the amount of body fat it is willing to take out of storage because it doesn't know how long your dietary restriction is going to last. If you have a 100 pounds, or more, to lose, the body will be more willing to give up lots of its body fat than if you only needed to shed 20 or 30 pounds. People lose weight at various rates, even on low carb. Sound disappointing? It doesn't have to be. Not if you're willing to do what it takes to help coax your body into speeding things up a bit. While some people won't be willing to incorporate the following tips and tricks for faster weight loss into their plan, if you have only been losing a