
Showing posts matching the search for How To Go On A Diet During Pregnancy

how to diet after pregnancy

 i need your advice on how to safely lose weightwhile pregnant. the first thing to do is to not sit down onthe couch eating a carton of ice cream to celebrate. the second thing to do is realizeyou are eating for one point one people, not two, and not use the pregnancy as an excuseto pig out. despite the increased hunger. around a third of the population thinks theyare hungry when they are really thirsty. drink water and other hydrating liquids insteadof eating, especially if you’ve been throwing up. that only tells me what to do after morningsickness. what do i do to lose weight the rest of the pregnancy? do not overeat, take prenatal vitamins tomake up for what you crave due to malnutrition, enjoy small snacks to control stomach acid,instead of multiple full meals - that’s more a list of what not to do togain even more weight. most pregnant women will gain ten pounds forkid and placenta and another ten to twenty pounds for the extra blood vessels and supportsystem. if you gain le

Thyroid Disease is Finally Confirmed

It has taken me a long time to reach this point. I don't really know how I feel about it all . . . just yet. The additional tests that the first nurse practitioner ran came back quite abnormal. But I didn't hear from her until I chased her down a couple of weeks later. She was very confused and was trying to figure it out on her own. In the meantime, everything in my body was racing. My metabolism was high, but the body was in starvation mode, so I don't understand her personal need to figure it all out. Since Cigna's insurance chart said our local Endocrinology clinic was not set up to take Cigna patients until January, I just wanted her to run the blood work for me, so I could decide if it was worth it to pay for the doctor visit myself, or if I should wait until our new insurance became effective in January. Hubby's company is dumping Cigna for a local health insurance company instead. When I didn't hear back, I called the clinic and asked for a copy of my r