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Why is Weight Loss So Hard to Maintain?

My experience with low carb dieting began in the 70s when I ran into Dr. Atkins’ original diet book at the library. At the time, it made a lot of sense. I could relate to everything he shared – and when I tested it, the plan worked better than anything I’d tried. I was 19, weighed in at a hefty 160 pounds on a 5-foot frame, and with virtually no metabolic resistance, that one golden shot earned me maintenance within only 6 weeks. I realized the other day, that’s exactly where I’m sitting again today. I’m back to where I started from in 1975. A whole lot older, hopefully wiser, but despite finding out how to deal with my health issues, I’m still at the same starting line. Yes, I managed to shed a whopping 80 pounds in 2007; and another 30 pounds last year – but that was above where I first began my low carb journey. I’ve regained a good 10 pounds of that last 30 though. So what gives? WHY is weight loss so hard to maintain? Atkins 72: What was the Original Atkins Diet Like? I can tell y

bodybuilding diet bulking

what is going on guys? troy adashun here with muscle tactics andit has been a while. hopefully you guys missed me, remember whoi am. but today we got a mission on our hands. we're going to do a little bulking season,shopping at the local whole foods market. many, many great battles in society. we have the red sox verse the yankees. we've got the new budding rivalry - the clevelandcavaliers verse the golden state warriors. shark verse tornado. alien verse predator. but no battle is bigger than my paycheck,aka my debit card, versus whole foods in the middle of bulking season. we're going to try to keep this under say- i don't know - 75-100 dollars and i'm going to show you guys some awesome foods that youcan pick out for some bulking season gains. so we are going to start this little adventureoff with some dessert foods. is it the french people or - i don't know- what country do they eat dessert before the main food? i don't know. let me know in the comments b