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korean noodle meals

(upbeat music) - hello everybody! today, i'm going to make guksu. guksu is korean noodle soup. this is my favorite, all time my favorite. maybe you guys are, "you always say that this is my favorite!" but this is real my favorite. because easy, easy, easy and delicious. instead of go eating out, making homemade food is time saving and also more delicious for me. at least twice a week i make for my lunch. just making, boiling some delicious stock and then adding some kimchi and then one pot meal. that's it. i'm busy so i don't need anything else. just noodle soup with some kimchi. the noodles are long, thin noodles. it symbolize, long life. so we make this alsosome special occasion. i'm so excite to share this recipe, let's start. today we are going tomake for two servings but i'm going to makethe stock four servings. this is 14 cups water, i pre-measured here. radishes, a korean radishor a daikon you can use. eight ounce, half a pound. radish and a