
Showing posts matching the search for How To Start A Holistic Diet

water diet

so i have to tell this story about my tenday water fast okay? cause it's pretty crazy. really intense. really insane. if you've nevercried out of sheer hunger than you don't know what i've gone through, okay? the reason whyi was on a hunger s.... i almost called it a hunger strike. so i came to the idea ofa water fast in a really round about way. i had.. we're into 2013 right now but 2012was really rough for me. i was so sick. basically water diet, i had an undiagnosed skin condition. the doctorswere telling me it eczema, psoriasis, i had dermatitis. they all had different names forit. i was also on a vegan diet. so a lot of them told me "oh it's from eating dairy andpreservatives" and i said well actually no, i eat a raw vegan diet and they were likeoh! so another doctor told me that my vegan diet was the problem so i ate bacon for amonth straight. long story. i was taking all types of supplements to try and help. i triedevery holistic medicine you co

Doc Says Go Paleo

Okay, she's not really a doctor. She's an holistic nurse practitioner who performed our annual physicals so that hubby's work would pay for our health insurance premiums. It took me over 4 hours to find the doctor she works with because Cigna's online listing showed over 400 family practice physicians that specialize in pediatrics. Calling the phone number on our insurance card was a nightmare. The computer voice just kept saying, "I'm sorry, I don't understand you." That's because I got angry. Speaking to a real life representative wasn't an option it gave me. Eventually, I screamed at the computer voice that I wanted to speak to real live person. A lot of good that did me. "I'm sorry, I don't understand you. Let's try again." Somehow, I finally ended up with a live person, but I don't remember how. She wasn't very helpful. She kept insisting that there were over 400 doctors within a 20-mile radius from us. Doc