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subway diet

jinx here with complex news. it's been reportedthat early friday morning, armed attackers stormed a hotel in mali armed with guns andgrenades, taking a large number of people hostage in a siege that's left at least 27people dead. the associated press, reports that the attackersbelieved to be islamic extremist, attacked the radisson blu hotel in mali's capital. subway diet, according to ap, malian army commander modibonama traore states that 10 gunmen armed with ak-47s and throwing grenades, descended uponthe establishment, crying out "allahu akbar"—arabic for "god is great"—before shooting guardsand claiming hostages. they gained entry onto the luxury hotel grounds by using a car withdiplomatic plates, and then firing on guards. many of the people who were at the hotel werediplomats and airline crew from france and turkey. many managed to escape the hotel, fleeingfrom the establishment with the help of malian forces. un officials have said that peace

high carb vegan diet

i need to go on a diet. should i go low carbor low fat? well, the goal of any diet is to become lowfat. i meant to say, should i give up carbs orfat to lose weight? low carb helps you lose weight if you arediabetic, are pre-diabetic or have metabolic syndrome. controlling blood sugar via givingup carbs makes weight loss easier. high carb vegan diet, i don’t have diabetes. low fat helps you lose weight if you’reconsuming too much junk food and processed food. if you go low fat, you in essence stopeating a lot of high calorie foods. the low carb diet is appealing. i get to eatsteak and eggs and lose weight. you won’t lose weight if you switch to highfat foods and eat more calories than you burn. then i’ll give up fat. technically, then you could eat a bag of marshmallowsand still be on your diet. i’ve even seen marshmallows, pure sugar, labeled low fatin big red letters. so i’ll give up the white bread so i canlose weight. white bread is blamed for a lot of modernills like di

5 bite diet day 3

(jennifer)....hands of a champaign county jury. plus, why this building andthe u of i campus is evacuated. and eating fast food 24/7could make you lose weight? how some areastudents are proving it. 5 bite diet day 3, (female speaker).and another night of frosty conditions astemperatures drop below freezingunder clear skies. (jennifer).at med center 3 tonight, roll up your sleeves. vermilion county got ashipment of flu shots. makes it's way to the big apple,get a look at this year's rockefeller tree, it'llput you in the spirit. and next on wcia 3 news at 5,why these kids are turning to fast food as away to lose weight. and we have breaking news andan update on our top story, there is a verdict in themurder trial of dondre moore, he is accused ofkilling an urbana man. we don't know what the verdictis right now, but all parties are headed to the court roomand as soon as we have a decision there, wewill bring it to you. a group of local film makerswants to change the way yo

bodybuilding diet for cutting

what do bodybuilders eat to cut weight? ideally, they eat low calorie, high proteinfood. the hard part for a body builder is losingfat without losing weight, because a skinny guy might land subway commercials but nota body building endorsement. eat something healthy every three hours toreduce hunger and keep your metabolism burning at its peak rate. your metabolism rate slowsdown if you don’t eat for half the day. but i hear about body builders using intermittentfasting and working out. body builders can do half an hour to an hourof cardio exercise in the morning before they eat, because insulin levels are low and they’llburn more energy the rest of the day. what should they eat? limit carbohydrate consumption to on 20% ofyour intake, and always eat complex carbs. ideally, you should eat carbs as you burnthem, instead of carb heavy meals hours before you work out. and lots of fruits and vegetables. eat foods with a low glycemic index wherepossible, which is all vegetables except ro

korean diet trend and weight loss

hey guys! today's video is going to be forpeople who either live in korea, or are planning to visit this country. i want to share 5 appsthat, to my opinion are the most useful apps while in korea. all of these apps are reallyawesome and they will change your experience of korea completely.first, pretty obvious, yet the most important app in korea - kakao talk. you really can'tjust live in korea and not use kakao. it’s really impossible. for those who are not familiarwhat kakao talk is, it's basically a messaging app is essence similar to ... or skype. youcan message other people and call them through the app same as skype, the difference is thoughit's korean, which means it's ultra, mega cute! the number of emoticons and their cutnessis just overwhelming. and yet even though it has this childish cute and playful designit doesn’t mean it's used just by korean teenage girls, not at all! i remember someof my first experience of going to work and comm