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water diet

so i have to tell this story about my tenday water fast okay? cause it's pretty crazy. really intense. really insane. if you've nevercried out of sheer hunger than you don't know what i've gone through, okay? the reason whyi was on a hunger s.... i almost called it a hunger strike. so i came to the idea ofa water fast in a really round about way. i had.. we're into 2013 right now but 2012was really rough for me. i was so sick. basically water diet, i had an undiagnosed skin condition. the doctorswere telling me it eczema, psoriasis, i had dermatitis. they all had different names forit. i was also on a vegan diet. so a lot of them told me "oh it's from eating dairy andpreservatives" and i said well actually no, i eat a raw vegan diet and they were likeoh! so another doctor told me that my vegan diet was the problem so i ate bacon for amonth straight. long story. i was taking all types of supplements to try and help. i triedevery holistic medicine you co

3 day military diet review

hey everybody, so today i am going to talk about the diet called the gm diet this was put out by the company gm. so, general motors coperation and they basically put it out to all of their staff to keep them in shape 3 day military diet review, since they did this it has caught on, everyone has been wanting to do it lots and lots of people have given this a go when i read reviews about it i see more positive than negative so i thought that i really wanted to give it a try, see how it worked for me i know diets dont work for everybody but i was really intrigued. when i read through what you needed to do it was very do-able and its something i know i need t do for my body just so i can do a detox get back into my fitness and try, shape up. i know it is better to start with a cleanse first so, i am actually on my 3rd day today on this diet what i thought i would do is take you back to what the diet involves and i will give you an overview of the 7 days that it takes to complete the diet

soup diet weight loss reviews

hey everybody so, today i thought it would be a good idea if i gave you a bit of an update a week after i did the gm diet. i know a lot of people like to know if its just water weight that you lose or if its just just a quick fix. so, i decided to test that. basically, what i have done is i ate, not a really decent healthy week with no guideline or anything like that but i ate an unhealthy week i ate more food than i should have i was really full all of the time i drank coke & i had juice i didn't over do it at all i just had a normal comfortable week, with food. i even had desert some nights. it was just a typical, normal week. i did this for a whole 7 days just like the gm diet was 7 days i thought that would be a fair test after that 7 days i went and weighed myself at the gym same scales were used throughout the whole of this review i had actually kept off the weight but also lost .3 kgs so , i was really happy i think, once you have eaten like that after a whole week of

body builder diet

you are watching muscle gain diet - the best muscle gain diet videostates currently on your i'm a bit short presentation for youbecause i want to expose the three biggest bodybuilding liza mistakes their absolutely make it impossible freedom bill noticeable muscle quicklyand are responsible for what you're body builder diet, looking the same week after week you will be shocked but you will learnthe truth about what is holding you back from gaining the lean muscle you deserve and by the end of this presentation youalso learn exactly how to break through your muscle building title and you'll beon your way to packing on slabs of ripped lean muscle without any fat now that sounds great but if you'reanything like me you're going to want quick statement on the results without having to rely on things likedangerous steroids pills powders apo shins or even crazy hours in the gym i'm going to give you the solution thatwill do just that i'm going to give you the solut

gain weight diet

you are watching muscle gain diet - the best muscle gain diet videostates currently on your i'm a bit short presentation for youbecause i want to expose the three biggest bodybuilding liza mistakes their absolutely make it impossible freedom bill noticeable muscle quicklyand are responsible for what you're gain weight diet, looking the same week after week you will be shocked but you will learnthe truth about what is holding you back from gaining the lean muscle you deserve and by the end of this presentation youalso learn exactly how to break through your muscle building title and you'll beon your way to packing on slabs of ripped lean muscle without any fat now that sounds great but if you'reanything like me you're going to want quick statement on the results without having to rely on things likedangerous steroids pills powders apo shins or even crazy hours in the gym i'm going to give you the solution thatwill do just that i'm going to give you the soluti