
Showing posts matching the search for Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe In Hindi

apple cider vinegar recipe in hindi

my name is christine marquette and i'm a registereddietician with the austin regional clinic and i'm going to talk to you about the sideeffects of apple cider vinegar for blood pressure. now a lot of times people are trying to useapple cider vinegar for weight loss and they may have a concern, "is this going to negativelyimpact my blood pressure". "will it make my blood pressure go up"? well, there haven'tbeen any stories that show that apple cider vinegar will increase blood pressure. butin the same token, there haven't been any that have shown it will decrease blood pressure.truly, any, any stories have been done with apple cider vinegar haven't shown any badeffect from it. it won't cause you any damage to your heart, to your blood pressure, it'snot going to increase it, it's not going to significantly decrease it. it's somewhat ofa neutral food. some people think that it may have an impact because it can affect potassiumlevels.