
Showing posts matching the search for Water Diet Thyroid

Is a Low-Carb Diet Sustainable for Life?

I recently received a comment from a reader that suggested my lack of dieting success was probably due to my inability to stay with one particular low-carb diet plan long enough to reap results. The advice I received was to go on a low-carb, high-fat diet and give it six months or more to work before analyzing.  That was similar to the advice I received from the zero-carb folks a few years ago when despite the fact that I had gained about 20 pounds in the first three weeks and was experiencing abnormally high blood glucose levels, they told me to eat only beef, drink only water, and wait six months before reviewing the results. They didn't seem to care about the resurrected neuropathy. They were just sure that their way was the only way.  The problem with that type of advice is that it doesn't work for everyone.  Take Responsibility for Your Own Health Correcting metabolic issues isn't always as easy as lowering your carbohydrate level. For example, I'm juggling vertigo

Will a Low Carb Diet Ruin My Metabolism?

There is a lot of confusion these days about metabolism. It seems to be a scapegoat that people like to blame when weight loss doesn’t happen easily. If they’re following a low carb diet and struggling to succeed, then they believe that all of those years of eating carbohydrates must have destroyed their metabolism and made them fat. On the other side of the argument are those who oppose low carb dieting. These people claim that carbohydrate restriction will permanently alter your metabolism, but what’s the truth? Will eating carbohydrates or following a low carb diet ruin your metabolism – or not? What is Metabolism? Low carb dieters generally do not like to hear about the energy equation. Dr. Atkins told us that we no longer need to worry about calories, so most people believe the energy equation isn’t applicable to them. Calories don’t matter, they say. Dr. Eades has tried to set the record straight, but far too many people still do not want to go outside and drag the equation bac

Lyle McDonald’s Rapid Fat Loss Diet – Taking a Full Diet Break

(This is part 6 of a multi-part series on How to Tweak a Low Carb Diet . It discusses my weight loss journey so far. If you didn’t read part 1, you can do so by clicking on the how-to link. Part 1 also includes links to the rest of this series.) At one time or another, most dieters get caught up in the desire of wanting to lose weight fast. That actually worked to my advantage because Lyle McDonald originally created his Rapid Fat Loss Plan (a whole foods PSMF Diet) to deal with crash diets safely. While McDonald’s focus is on bodybuilding, muscle retention, and metabolism, maintaining muscle mass during dieting is to everyone’s benefit – quick weight loss or not. The Kimkins fiasco brought the protein content of a low carb diet into the limelight. Dr. Eades’ did have recommendations for low carbers to shoot for. He talked about large, medium, and small servings of protein (five, four or three ounces) at each meal depending upon how much you currently weigh, getting 35 grams of carbohy

Dr. Atkins Advice on Exhaustion and Leg Cramps

This morning I was taking a stroll through some of the threads over at Low Carb Friends, and I ran into something that really disturbed me. A patient of Dr. Westman was there asking for help. She has been on the high-fat low-carb diet known as Nutritional Ketosis for 4 months now. She is eating 20 carbs or less, is losing about 1 to 2 pounds a week, but she feels horrible. For some reason, she is not adapting to the state of Ketosis. Despite a high salt intake, she's having excruciating foot and leg cramps, gets dizzy, and comes near to passing out during her gym activities. She says she has zero energy, so her gym routine has dropped from 5 days a week and 1 trainer session, to just the training. She is taking magnesium and potassium supplements, along with chicken broth every day, but nothing is helping. She's exhausted and feels horrible, and yet, they want her to continue with the regimen she's been on, even though it's not working for her. That doesn't make an

moringa weight loss

hey guys i'm nisa homey and welcome back to my channel. today i'm sharing a really easy and quick way to make coconut milk at home which some of you may know but this video is for the moringa weight loss, novice cook to letter understand that making coconut milk at home is very easy and can avoid buying ready-made coconut milk as it may be loaded with preservatives and added sugar. now if you are a regular on my channel you may have noticed that i advocate healthy fats like cold-pressed coconut oil and desi ghee. cold-pressed coconut oil as stated by many of you is not easily available so the next best option is to include pure and fresh coconut milk in your diet especially if you have health issues like thyroid and pcos. healthy fats are necessary for energy and hormone production most importantly healthy fats helps to balance hormones so including fresh and pure coconut milk is another way to boost your thyroid health consumption of a diet rich in mcts results in greater loss

moringa weight loss

hey guys i'm nisa homey and welcome back to my channel. today i'm sharing a really easy and quick way to make coconut milk at home which some of you may know but this video is for the moringa weight loss, novice cook to letter understand that making coconut milk at home is very easy and can avoid buying ready-made coconut milk as it may be loaded with preservatives and added sugar. now if you are a regular on my channel you may have noticed that i advocate healthy fats like cold-pressed coconut oil and desi ghee. cold-pressed coconut oil as stated by many of you is not easily available so the next best option is to include pure and fresh coconut milk in your diet especially if you have health issues like thyroid and pcos. healthy fats are necessary for energy and hormone production most importantly healthy fats helps to balance hormones so including fresh and pure coconut milk is another way to boost your thyroid health consumption of a diet rich in mcts results in greater loss

Food Allergies, Neuropathy, and Blood Sugar Control on a Low Carb Diet

Many things can interfere with the success of a low carb diet. Gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, thyroid problems, portion control issues, and food addictions are just a few. Recently, I’ve been looking at food sensitivities and allergies, since inflammation and the resulting water retention factor heavily into the vertigo and ataxia I suffer with. Also, I started having severe itching problems and a rash on my arms, along with drastic weight gain, whenever I ate beef. Technically, the term “food allergy” describes an IgE antibody response launched by the immune system to a specific food protein. These antibodies interpret the offending protein molecule to be an invader and use mediators such as histamine – which cause the allergy symptoms. The skin, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory system are the primary organs affected by food allergies. However, when I was younger, most allergists did not believe in food sensitivities or intolerances. They only believed in food allergies

apple cider vinegar popcorn recipe

nowadays, it seems that everyone is talkingabout coconut oil, they use it for hair, teeth, for skin issues, for weight loss and many,many more. what is best about it all is that it is all true! yes, we could have used before as well, butit had a quite bad reputation, as it was regarded unhealthy since it consists of over 90% saturatedfat. yet, this fat is actually really useful, and it is high in nutrients, has powerfulantioxidant properties and promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. this amazing oil soothes and moisturizes theskin, and can have fabulous effects for your hair. coconut oil is extremely effective andcompletely safe for use. this article will show that its uses are simply endless.this is all that coconut oil can do for you: body and skincare you can use cosmetic grade oil or fractionatedcoconut oil, which has the oil̢۪s long-chain triglycerides removed, and contains only themedium-chain triglycerides. it is remarkable for diy cosmetic treatments as it has longs

Endocrine Disruptors – Should I Be Concerned?

As many of you know, my blood glucose levels tend to go wonky every now and then. While I used to believe that phenomenon was connected to the amount of carbohydrates I was eating, that hasn’t turned out to be the case. Yes, the number of carbs I eat matters while my sugars are not under control, but so far, carbohydrates have never turned out to be the cause. Instead, food sensitivities such as gluten and GMO corn have always sat at the heart of the problem. Once I uncover the offending food and removed it from my life, my glucose levels have always returned to normal. When I started reacting to something again this past summer, I was at a loss as to what was causing it. I wasn’t eating gluten, dairy, or GMO corn. I’d been off gluten for over three years. I’d been without dairy for more than two, and GMO corn for a year. But my numbers weren’t improving. So what was left? Soy? I removed my organic gluten-free tamari, but it didn’t seem to make any difference. My blood glucose levels c