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today on caveman keto recipes i'm going to show you how to make cauliflower casserole this is one of my five day meals meaningit's enough food for two people for five days, and i've designed this casserole dish so they can be made inparallel with something else you'll notice there's things like putting chicken in the oven cooking it, i'm going to show the entire recipe serially but you can do mostly steps inparallel to speed up so let's get started thesedays it's all about speed so now instead of cutting up and manuallycooking the chicken i bake them in the oven, it actuallytakes a little bit longer but it's a lot less work to go along with my theme of cookingfaster, i like to cook the bacon in my mini convection oven while the chicken is in the bigoven once the bacon is done, you can go aheadand cut into strips the cauliflower in this recipe you caneither start with a head of cauliflower or i was actually able to find entirebag of freshly cut caulif

Questions and Thoughts About the Paleo Diet

As I talked about in my last post, the holistic practitioner that has been working with me lately suggested that I move toward the Paleo Diet in order to regain my health. That caused me to smile. Not only because I didn't expect her to say that, but because after spending 5 years on a strict, whole-foods low-carb diet of just meats, eggs, vegetables, berries, and healthy fats, I was no closer to health than I was before I started. That's the naked truth. Foundation Claims of the Paleo Diet I decided to look into the Paleo Diet anyway because I was relatively familiar with the program. I started with Lorin Cordain's website since he was the founder of the Paleo movement. I thought I would get a clearer picture of what the diet was all about if I went to the source. What I understood after the hours I spent reading there was that Paleo is based on mimicking the foods our ancient ancestors ate before the Agricultural Revolution because those are the foods our bodies are gen