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1985 caveman diet

the english language containsdozens of words that describe the dog yet none alone seemsentirely adequate loving, loyal, devoted,amusing, spirited, tireless how they enchant us,delight us, brighten our days and how they work for us down through history no other animalhas served us in as many ways called by one philosopher "the noblest beast god ever made,"the dog is at work on farms and in pasturesaround the world... across the forbidding reachesof the frozen north... as comrades on thebattlefields of war... seeking even the faintestscent of a buried victim of disaster... or a hiker whohas lost his way and he is the devoted servant of he ill,elderly, and handicapped we will never knowexactly how this unprecedented partnershipcame about or when but one story tells us:"in the beginning god created man,but seeing him so feeble he gave him the dog" every year since 1877 a stylized ritual has beenrepeated in manhattan the westminster kennel club dog showthe world series o