
Showing posts matching the search for Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes Pinterest

apple cider vinegar recipes pinterest

hey there, this is lacey baier with a sweetpea chef, and today we are going to be making an easy hot apple cider recipe. i love breakingout this recipe to celebrate the holiday season. you are going to love the way your house smellslike cinnamon, and cloves, and apples, and oranges all simmering away on the stove. it'sreally better than any candle you could buy. let's get started. i also enjoy the look on dustin's face wheni hand him a big steaming glass of this hot apple cider. though, i always have to tellhim not to drink it because it's too hot right away because we both know if i don't tellhim he's going to go straight for it. alright. so, we are going to start by heatingup the apple juice in a deep large pot over medium-heat. when you are picking out yourapple, you want to make sure you get a sweet apple like a fuji or a gala or golden delicious,something that's going to really bring a sweetness to the cider. if you chose something likea granny smith, i

apple cider vinegar mayonnaise recipe

next up on homemademayonnaise hi everyone this is stephanie manleywith today i'm gonna show you how to make homemade mayonnaise i know you're asking why would i want todo that i can buy it in a jar you know what mayonnaise has very few ingredientsand no preservatives and if you're concerned about the raw egg that's inmayonnaise you can use pasteurized eggs you buy them at the store so they'resafe to consume all right if this is really really easy to do and i'm gonnashow you how to do it by hand without a mixer you can do it in a mixer or foodprocessor if you like as well we're going to begin by taking one egg yolkand we're going to put into our bowl i'm gonna take about a teaspoon of dijonmustard i'm also going to add that in i'm goingto add about half teaspoon of white vinegar you don't have it apple cidervinegar works well i am going to put in a squeeze of lemon juice coupleteaspoons of lemon juice put in a pinch