
Showing posts matching the search for Example Of Healthy Vegetarian Diet

healthy vegetarian diet

when i ask my vegan friends why they’revegan, they often say for health reasons. actually, they often say ohmygod, how canu eat meat you heartless savage?! and then they sometimes tack on ‘healthreasons’. but when i ask my other friends why they’remeat eaters, they also say for health reasons. most meats are high in iron, full of protein,and animal products contain things like zinc healthy vegetarian diet, and calcium. so is a vegan diet actually good for you? is a vegan diet healthier than a regular diet? [sciq intro] it doesn’t get much more extreme than avegan diet: well, there are fruitarians but that’s just like – crazy. whether for ethical reasons, religious reasonsor any other reason, the health aspects of any diet need to be fully understood beforetaking them on. so, are there any health benefits to beinga vegan? well yeah, there are actually a ton of healthbenefits, like healthier gut microbiota these microorganismslive in our intestines are are vital to digestio

apple cider vinegar enema recipe

hello, i’m dr. cathie lippman. i’m goingto speak to you about detoxification. what does it mean to detoxify? detoxification isthe way that our bodies get rid of toxins that can harm us or even kill us. what aretoxins? they can be chemicals; they can be microorganisms; they can even be heavy metals.our bodies are set up to detoxify via our lungs, our liver, and our kidneys so thatwe manage to get rid of these toxins through our breath, through our skin via sweat, throughour urine, and through our stools. well, why is this so important? detoxification is importantbecause we’re exposed to toxins every day through the air we breathe, through the waterwe drink, and through the food we eat. where do we get exposed to these toxins? the tapwater we drink and bathe in is a major source. the chlorine and fluoride added to it convertinto chemicals that are toxic for our bodies. there’s industrial run-off and agriculturalrun-off. there are pesticides, and there are even prescription drugs