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how to diet diabetic patients

 today we’re going to talk about a way toplan your meals that many healthcare professionals recommend-- it's called the plate method. the plate method uses the dinner plate itselfas a blueprint for healthy meals. by reserving a portion of the plate for differenttypes of food, it can help you build meals with the proper amounts and proportions ofprotein, starches, fruits and vegetables. the traditional plate method uses a nine-inchplate. you’d better measure yours, as most platesthat people use are bigger than this. when you set your plate on the table, imagineit divided in half and then one side divided again. the large space is for non-starchy vegetables,with most experts recommending at least two in each meal. non-starchy vegetables include lettuce, tomatoes,cucumbers, mushrooms, green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower. one of the smaller spaces is for your proteinserving—like meat, fish, or eggs. a properly-sized serving is usually 3 oz.for women and 4 oz. for men, or abou

Type 2 Diabetes and a Low Carb Diet – Essential or Dogma?

The newest diabetes diet recommendations came out a few days ago: eat more carbs, and use drugs to keep your blood glucose under control. Scary stuff. Diabetes Health Magazine recently ran an article by Hope Warshaw entitled “Type 2 Diabetes: From Old Dogmas to New Realities – Part 2.” In that article Warshaw first focuses on and ridicules weight loss for diabetics in connection with better glucose control, and then likewise attacks a low carb diet – calling both of them old dogma. For those who have actually studied the principles and science behind carbohydrate restriction and/or have put them to the test, adversity against our own personal truth and experience isn’t new. But when someone looked to as an authoritative voice presents that, a minimum carbohydrate intake of 45% of daily calories is the new reality for diabetics, it’s hard to walk away and let that be. Is Weight Loss for Diabetics Really Dogma? When I was first diagnosed with pre-diabetes, my physician believed that if I

bodybuilding diet diabetes

today, i'd like to talk aboutturning around an epidemic. one hundred million americans right nowdo have either diabetes or pre-diabetes, and that puts themat risk for amputations, for heart disease, for blindness. and we're exportingthis epidemic overseas. the word "epidemic" comes from old greek: 'epi' means 'on', 'demos' means 'people', so an epidemic is something we study withsterile statistics, and maps, and graphs, but the truth is, it's something that impinges directly on people,on living, breathing human-beings. but my story actually startsin the basement of a minneapolis hospital. the year before i went to medical school,i was the morgue attendant, or as i'd like to say,"the autopsy assistant". what that meant was, whenever anybody died,i would bring the body out of the cooler, and put the body onan examination table, and the pathologistwould come into the room. and one day, a person diedin a hospital of a mass

Role of Insulin in Weight Loss

Mozzarella Cheese  If you’ve read Dr. Eades’ or Dr. Atkins’ books, you might have developed a serious dislike for insulin. For those with metabolic issues, insulin often sits at the heart of the dysfunction. What most low carb dieters believe is that insulin causes the carbohydrates you eat to be stored as body fat. Lower your insulin levels and your body will burn your fat stores instead. Unfortunately, that isn’t how the role of insulin in weight loss works. How Insulin Works Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the pancreas for a variety of reasons. The need to get glucose into your body cells and return your blood sugar levels back to normal is only one of them. Many low carbers refer to insulin as a nutrient-storage hormone because it encourages the body to use any toxic levels of alcohol or glucose first and store the fats and/or proteins you eat for use later on. If you eat a high carbohydrate meal, the glucose the body doesn’t immediately need is turned into glycogen and st