
Showing posts matching the search for Apple Cider Vinegar Molasses Recipe

apple cider vinegar recipe nz

question from a lady in minnesota. this question is can i use vinegar to curemy yeast infection? vinegar is an excellent substance to use.there are many different types of vinegars you can get, but the one not to use is thecommercial white vinegar you'll find in your supermarket. the best vinegar to use for vaginalinfection is apple cider vinegar, preferably unfiltered, raw, unpasteurized and organic.we've got some very good ones here in new zealand. i believe bragg is quite a good brandin america. we've got one in new zealand called coral tree, which is by organically grownapples and traditionally prepared. apple cider vinegar has been studied in variousnatural universities around the world, and i read a study recently in 2011 from a universitycalled the qua medical university. i believe it was in iran or iraq, one of those countries.and the studied showed that, in fact, apple cider vinegar is more effective with vaginalinfections than fluconazole. and the main reason why

apple cider vinegar molasses recipe

- welcome to i'm chef marcus guiliano. i'm a chef on a mission. this mission is baking soda. now, most of us think ofbaking soda as something you keep in the refrigeratoror for a baking recipe. they don't really realize the benefits and the power of baking soda. baking soda, known as sodium bicarbonate, has so many uses, and it's socheap and inexpensive to use. so as a chef and a foodhealth nut, here are some of the things that i'velearned to do with baking soda. to give a little history, ancient egyptians used thisnatural mineral called natron, which contains sodium bicarbonate. they used this for medicinalpurposes and for cleaning. in 1791, nicolas leblanc, french chemist, produced sodium ash, knownas sodium bicarbonate, for the first time, andin 1846, two new yorkers started the first commercialproduction of baking soda. so, first off, our bodies produce sodium bicarbonate naturally. it's produced in our pancreas, and it's used as a bufferings