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eating beans jokes

lightning, lightning mcqueen, where are you, lightning mcqueen? what is it, mater? i was sleeping. i'm telling you, lightning mcqueen, i found something. it's awesome, i found some magic beans. magic beans? are you serious? man, i was daydreaming about winning the next piston cup. i don't have time for this. lightning, i'm telling you, i found some magic beans. come on, follow me. ohh, man. not again. see, look at that, i told you, i found a big stack of mountain of magic beans. mater, wow. you are telling the truth. i never seen anything like this in radiator springs before. i know, so one day, i was eating one of these magic beans and then something amazing happened. really, what is it? tell me about it. so one day, i was driving up here and i found all of these magic beans and i was like. dad gum, look at those magic beans. and look, one was right here. so i decided mmm, this looks pretty good. (munching) and i ate the whole thing and mmmm, it sure was good. but then

bodybuilding diet diabetes

today, i'd like to talk aboutturning around an epidemic. one hundred million americans right nowdo have either diabetes or pre-diabetes, and that puts themat risk for amputations, for heart disease, for blindness. and we're exportingthis epidemic overseas. the word "epidemic" comes from old greek: 'epi' means 'on', 'demos' means 'people', so an epidemic is something we study withsterile statistics, and maps, and graphs, but the truth is, it's something that impinges directly on people,on living, breathing human-beings. but my story actually startsin the basement of a minneapolis hospital. the year before i went to medical school,i was the morgue attendant, or as i'd like to say,"the autopsy assistant". what that meant was, whenever anybody died,i would bring the body out of the cooler, and put the body onan examination table, and the pathologistwould come into the room. and one day, a person diedin a hospital of a mass

caveman diet potatoes

thank you, it's a pleasure to be here. i'm an archaeological scientist and i study the healthand dietary histories of ancient peoples using bone biochemistry and ancient dna. i'm here because i wantto talk to you about the paleo diet. it's one of america's fastest growingdiet fads. the main idea behind it is that the keyto longevity and optimal health is to abandonour modern agricultural diets, which make us ill, and move far back in timeto our palaeolithic ancestors, more than 10,000 years ago,and eat like them. now, i'm really interested in this idea because it purports to putarchaeology in action, to take information we know about the past and use it in the presentto help us today. now, this idea was really startedin the 1970s with this book, "the stone age diet." it's diversified since theninto several variants, including the paleo diet,the primal blueprint, the new evolution diet, and neanderthin, and most of the language of these dietsmakes r

caveman diet rice

thank you, it's a pleasure to be here. i'm an archaeological scientist and i study the healthand dietary histories of ancient peoples using bone biochemistry and ancient dna. i'm here because i wantto talk to you about the paleo diet. it's one of america's fastest growingdiet fads. the main idea behind it is that the keyto longevity and optimal health is to abandonour modern agricultural diets, which make us ill, and move far back in timeto our palaeolithic ancestors, more than 10,000 years ago,and eat like them. now, i'm really interested in this idea because it purports to putarchaeology in action, to take information we know about the past and use it in the presentto help us today. now, this idea was really startedin the 1970s with this book, "the stone age diet." it's diversified since theninto several variants, including the paleo diet,the primal blueprint, the new evolution diet, and neanderthin, and most of the language of these dietsmakes r

Make Easter Eggs the Center of Your Low-Carb Holiday

When we choose to live a low-carb lifestyle, we give up many holiday traditions that focus on food. While Easter Dinner can always be adapted to fit your carbohydrate tolerance, if you ask any child what the most important aspect of the Easter holiday is, they’ll probably tell you… CANDY! An Easter basket full of goodies often plays the center role in Easter festivities. Jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, and foil-wrapped chocolate eggs are popular basket fillers. But there’s one strong holiday tradition attached to Easter that the low carber doesn’t have to give up.                                              The Incredible, Edible Egg! Make Easter Eggs the Center of Your Low-Carb Easter Holiday! (Photo by Praktyczny Przewodnik ) Dr. Westman’s Thought of the Day I was browsing through the low-carb videos over at YouTube the other day, looking for an Atkins Success Story. I wanted a video with distinct “before” and “after” pictures that I could display at the bottom o

Peas Are Not Evil!!!

I stopped by The Lighter Side of Low Carb’s Facebook fan page the other day, and noticed that Cleo had posted a picture showing what her personal USDA plate looks like. She had 3 strips of bacon, an egg, and 3 peas smiling up from the plate. While most of the comments shared how they would personally alter the foods in the graphic (I would have added another egg and more peas, myself), the one comment that caught my attention said - “Peas are evil.” There seems to be a common tendency within the low carb community to demonize foods not listed on the Atkins 2002 Induction menu chart. But I don’t know how or when that ever got started. I took a quick trip back to 1970 (one of the two Atkins’ books that survived the flea bombs that destroyed almost everything I owned last year), but Dr. Atkins’ advice didn't even insinuate that peas are evil. He said: “…additions are interchangeable and flexible. You can make any of these additions any week that you choose. I could be very arbitrary