
Showing posts matching the search for How To Diet Like A Korean Girl

korean diet plan

hi everyone this wengie here, welcome to third part of my diet tip series, this week i’m gonna be going through something that i find really really interesting and that is the diets secrets of asia, japanese women in particular are very well know for their diets to keep them slim, i think there was a book written about it, about japanese diets tips and tricks, in countries like japan is incredibly important to stay slim, companies actually have policies where they will measure your waistline every year and if you are over a certain healthy waistline they actually put you on a sort of probation program and i guess help you get your diet on track, and find out why you are going.. becoming like overweight, i guess is a way for the government to combat like higher health cost later on, from obesity, i notice every time i go back to japan especially when i went in university, everyone was so slim, i don’t think i saw a single overweight person like on the train, there was like none, i

korean diets

(weird noises) subtitles by gianccm martina's been dreading this wtffor so long because she can't hula hoop [s] and i can and i'm so excited! [m] you ruined my secret shape! you can't hula hoop! [m] hey, i haven't hula hooped for the past like three or four years so maybe i... [s] you haven't hula hooped for the past few decades because-- [m] maybe i can hula hoop! [s] you can't hula hoop. i used this in bucheon. so when i wasstill teaching the school had these horrible awful hula hoops like this. this isn't a regular hula hoop. it's a lot heavier than most hula-hoops for starters. it's a punishment hoop! and this is supposed to be a diet hula-hoop but it has these rollers that looks like rollerblade wheels thatthey have here that add onto it? supposedly, it's supposed to help burn fat by-- i've asked people, and here are the various theories: theory number one! massaging the fat so it kinda like breaks down exactly like-- look at m

korean diets 2015

(weird noises) subtitles by gianccm martina's been dreading this wtffor so long because she can't hula hoop [s] and i can and i'm so excited! [m] you ruined my secret shape! you can't hula hoop! [m] hey, i haven't hula hooped for the past like three or four years so maybe i... [s] you haven't hula hooped for the past few decades because-- [m] maybe i can hula hoop! [s] you can't hula hoop. i used this in bucheon. so when i wasstill teaching the school had these horrible awful hula hoops like this. this isn't a regular hula hoop. it's a lot heavier than most hula-hoops for starters. it's a punishment hoop! and this is supposed to be a diet hula-hoop but it has these rollers that looks like rollerblade wheels thatthey have here that add onto it? supposedly, it's supposed to help burn fat by-- i've asked people, and here are the various theories: theory number one! massaging the fat so it kinda like breaks down exactly like-- look at m