
Showing posts matching the search for Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe Salad

apple cider vinegar recipe for lowering cholesterol

hey, derek here, and i'm talking to you todayabout luckyeats apple cider vinegar. our apple cider vinegar is usda organic, non-gmoproject verified, it is kosher, and it is raw, meaning it still has the mother. so, what exactly is the mother? the mother is, this stuff, right here on thebottom. it is a bacterial culture that is used toturn apple cider into apple cider vinegar. the mother in apple cider vinegar containsprebiotics which people take on a daily basis to help boost their probiotic count, becauseprebiotics feed probiotics, and this helps with digestion and with immunity. i know people that take apple cider vinegarto help balance out their blood sugar, they use it as a beauty remedy in skin treatments,like for sunburn, and they also use it in their hair as a conditioner, it really booststhe shine. and then of course there are the multitudeof culinary uses for apple cider vinegar because it's vinegar! my favorite use of it is making my own saladdressing. why ruin a perfe

apple cider vinegar recipe salad dressing

- today on "learn 2love," i wanna help you appreciate one of my all-time favorite glorious green vegetables, broccoli. (relaxing music) love it or hate it, thenutritional value of broccoli cannot be denied. it's full of vitamin c and calcium, and it'll keep you regular,if you know what i mean. today i wanna show you howto learn to love broccoli by making it three delicious ways. i'm going to show you myoven-roasted broccoli, an incredible broccoli slaw and finally, a broccoli stir frythat you are absolutely going to adore. so let's get started bypreparing our broccoli. so i've got a beautifulhead of broccoli here, and we're gonna startby removing the florets and putting them aside. a lot of people throwbroccoli stalks away, and that is a huge mistake because there are a ton of nutrients in the stalk. i peel them, cut off the woody end and then grate them to usein all sorts of recipes, like the broccoli slawi'm going to show you in a minute. but fir

apple cider vinegar recipe salad

a common household ingredient that also providesmany health and beauty benefits is apple cider vinegar (acv). historically, this producthas been used for many, many years. it has been traced back to 400 bc when hippocrates,the father of medicine, used acv as a treatment for his patients. acv is rich in many vitamins,minerals, and enzymes. it is also high in acetic, citric and malic acids. it has been found to kill germs, kill viruses,reduce swelling, kill funguses, treat the common cold, reduce muscle pain, reduce arthritispain, assist with diabetes, reduce high cholesterol and control weight issues. besides all of these essential health benefits,acv has been added to many beauty regimes. to obtain the best results with acv, you shouldonly use the raw, unfiltered version. that is because this type is not pasteurizedand contains all the original enzymes. here are some of the beauty benefits of applecider vinegar: 1. prevents acne and pimples acne and pimples are a common nuisance toever

apple cider vinegar drink recipe stevia

hey guys, dr. axe here, founder of draxe.comand doctor of functional medicine. today i want to share with you my secrets to reducesugar cravings and food cravings. this is a chronic problem in america today. in fact,i would say the number one cause of people falling off diets and something that stopsor even reverses weight loss efforts is when people have cravings. let's be honest. a lot of people know whatthey should eat. we should eat more vegetables. we should eat more fruit. we should eat organic.but a lot of times when i've asked patients over the years, "why could you not stick witha diet before," they would say, "because of the cravings. i started craving sugar so much." here are the top ways to reduce sugar cravings.there are really four steps. you need to get more fiber, more protein, more healthy fat,and consume sour foods. if you follow those steps, and actually i'll a fifth one here,those things will help you overcome sugar cravings. number o

apple cider vinegar slaw recipe

bjbjbrbr walter: now, jan, tell us about thisslaw. jan: all right. walter: got a lot of veggies. jan: yes. i have all kinds of vegetablesin there and you know what, i love to cook with many different colors as i can. and thisis... walter: well, you've got a bunch. jan: i got a bunch. well, the more variety of coloryou have the more range of nutrients you're getting. walter: absolutely. jan: so, that'sa great thing about this salad. and what i've got is a head of napa cabbage which is a mildertaste. it's not quite as assertive. walter: but a very good taste. jan: it's's just not as strong as regular cabbage. walter: and i see red onions. jan: red onions.we've got walter: two things of bell peppers. jan: red and yellow. and i've forgotten whatall i've put in here. green onion and cilantro and i just chopped it up and threw it now, tell us about this dressing. because that's what makes it asian, right?jan: right. right an

apple cider vinegar mouthwash recipe

hey guys. dr. axe here, doctor of functionalmedicine and founder of in today's video i'm going to share with you the sixsteps you need to follow in order to cure bad breath. obviously, nobody likes bad breath,but the bigger thing is it's typically an underlying sign that there's something notgoing right in your body, and that tends to be a bacterial imbalance or lack of if things tend to sit in your system or if there's an imbalance of good probioticsand bacteria and microbes in your body to bad, those are typically what are actuallycausing some of your issues. so to start i'm going to go over the six things that you needto do. the number one thing you need to do in orderto overcome bad breath is get more probiotics in your diet. consume more probiotic richfoods, especially things like grass-fed yogurt and kefir, and take a quality probiotic supplement.for many of you guys you want to double-down and take a double dose of probiotics

apple cider vinegar uti recipe

- welcome to i'm chef marcus guiliano. i'm a chef on a mission. this mission is baking soda. now, most of us think ofbaking soda as something you keep in the refrigeratoror for a baking recipe. they don't really realize the benefits and the power of baking soda. baking soda, known as sodium bicarbonate, has so many uses, and it's socheap and inexpensive to use. so as a chef and a foodhealth nut, here are some of the things that i'velearned to do with baking soda. to give a little history, ancient egyptians used thisnatural mineral called natron, which contains sodium bicarbonate. they used this for medicinalpurposes and for cleaning. in 1791, nicolas leblanc, french chemist, produced sodium ash, knownas sodium bicarbonate, for the first time, andin 1846, two new yorkers started the first commercialproduction of baking soda. so, first off, our bodies produce sodium bicarbonate naturally. it's produced in our pancreas, and it's used as a bufferings

apple cider vinegar molasses recipe

- welcome to i'm chef marcus guiliano. i'm a chef on a mission. this mission is baking soda. now, most of us think ofbaking soda as something you keep in the refrigeratoror for a baking recipe. they don't really realize the benefits and the power of baking soda. baking soda, known as sodium bicarbonate, has so many uses, and it's socheap and inexpensive to use. so as a chef and a foodhealth nut, here are some of the things that i'velearned to do with baking soda. to give a little history, ancient egyptians used thisnatural mineral called natron, which contains sodium bicarbonate. they used this for medicinalpurposes and for cleaning. in 1791, nicolas leblanc, french chemist, produced sodium ash, knownas sodium bicarbonate, for the first time, andin 1846, two new yorkers started the first commercialproduction of baking soda. so, first off, our bodies produce sodium bicarbonate naturally. it's produced in our pancreas, and it's used as a bufferings

apple cider vinegar recipes cooking

- hey, guys. today, i'm gonna sharewith you my favorite recipe for crab cakes, with adelicious remoulade sauce and an apple slaw. this is a fantastic recipe to make for a sunday night dinner when you have a little bitof extra time on your hands. i promise, none of this recipe is hard. but it does take a little bit of prep. but not to worry, the resultsare well worth the effort. let me show you how to make it. so we first need toprepare our crab cakes, because they do need toset up in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes. so, in a large bowl, you'regoing to add two tablespoons of store-bought mayonnaise,one egg, two teaspoons of dijon mustard, one-and-a-half teaspoons of worcestershire sauce, ateaspoon of fresh lemon juice, and a quarter teaspoon ofyour favorite hot sauce. then you can whisk that all up until it's nice and combined. and then to that, we're also gonna add one teaspoon of diced jalapeno. now if you don't like things too spicy, you might just wanna pul

apple cider vinegar gallbladder recipe

hey, guys. dr. axe here, doctor of functionalmedicine and founder of today i wanted to talk about how to cleanse your liverand the top ways to detox your liver. your liver is your second largest organ, and itis so important for detoxification, for cleansing, for your overall health. so i'm going to goover my five top ways that you can detox your liver on a regular basis. and number one is start by removing all thetoxic stuff in your diet. listen, you can take all the pills, all the supplements, allthe potions. and you know what? they will not do any good until you start getting thejunk out of your diet. so step number one in doing a liver cleanse is to remove theprocessed grains and sugars and fast foods and packaged foods. get rid of it all andjust eat real food. fruit it in its whole form, vegetables in its whole form, organicgrass-fed meats, sprouted whole ancient grains, stick with those types of foods if you wantto naturally cleanse your liver, and stay away from pa

apple cider vinegar diet recipe dr oz

hey there, drew canole, the fourhour body challenge, glad you̢۪re with me today. i want to show you something that istarted doing long before i started juicing. if you̢۪ve seen some of my juicing videosyou know that i̢۪m a juicing fanatic and the power of raw vegetables in particular,green drinks. you see i̢۪ve been doing green drinks for about three years and the healthbenefits will blow you away. now when i say greens a lot of times you think: well vegetables,they don̢۪t really taste that great and i don̢۪t really have time to prepare saladsfor everything.̢۪ right? not true at all, see this green can actually taste amazing.i̢۪m going to introduce you to my favorite green drink it will absolutely knock yoursocks off and it literally takes less than five minutes to make. are you with me? cool.basics of this green drink are applying leafy, green vegetables which we all know are greatfor your digestive system, they̢۪re great for your hair you know, if you have a probl

quick caveman diet recipes

welcome back to my channel and welcome to another episode of cooking with liv and in today's episode we're going to be making a couple of healthy dinners they are so yummy quick and easy to make if you're new i would love you to subscribe it is the red button down below that way you know when i post videos and there's a lot of holiday videos coming up as well and this month on my channel i'm giving away and instax mini 8 camera in the color of your choice you just have to be subscribe and follow the link it down below and then follow me on instagram with like a bonus entry and don't forget to thumbs up this video if you enjoyed it and let's get into the video so this recipe we're making is a brussels sprout salad which i know you're thinking i love brussels sprouts this recipe is going to change your mind about brussels sprouts so we're starting off the pan and i'm going to cook some quinoa so i'm taking a one-part quinoa to two parts wat

apple cider vinegar popcorn recipe

nowadays, it seems that everyone is talkingabout coconut oil, they use it for hair, teeth, for skin issues, for weight loss and many,many more. what is best about it all is that it is all true! yes, we could have used before as well, butit had a quite bad reputation, as it was regarded unhealthy since it consists of over 90% saturatedfat. yet, this fat is actually really useful, and it is high in nutrients, has powerfulantioxidant properties and promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. this amazing oil soothes and moisturizes theskin, and can have fabulous effects for your hair. coconut oil is extremely effective andcompletely safe for use. this article will show that its uses are simply endless.this is all that coconut oil can do for you: body and skincare you can use cosmetic grade oil or fractionatedcoconut oil, which has the oil̢۪s long-chain triglycerides removed, and contains only themedium-chain triglycerides. it is remarkable for diy cosmetic treatments as it has longs