
Showing posts matching the search for Atkins Diet Rules Of Induction List

Peas Are Not Evil!!!

I stopped by The Lighter Side of Low Carb’s Facebook fan page the other day, and noticed that Cleo had posted a picture showing what her personal USDA plate looks like. She had 3 strips of bacon, an egg, and 3 peas smiling up from the plate. While most of the comments shared how they would personally alter the foods in the graphic (I would have added another egg and more peas, myself), the one comment that caught my attention said - “Peas are evil.” There seems to be a common tendency within the low carb community to demonize foods not listed on the Atkins 2002 Induction menu chart. But I don’t know how or when that ever got started. I took a quick trip back to 1970 (one of the two Atkins’ books that survived the flea bombs that destroyed almost everything I owned last year), but Dr. Atkins’ advice didn't even insinuate that peas are evil. He said: “…additions are interchangeable and flexible. You can make any of these additions any week that you choose. I could be very arbitrary

How to Do the Atkins Induction Diet Correctly

Are you sick and tired of weight-loss diets that promise you'll lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks?  Are you ready to buckle down and put in the effort it takes to finally get slim and trim?  If so, the Atkins Diet can help you get there! From the very first day on Atkins Induction, the name that Dr. Atkins gave to the initial phase of this revolutionary diet program, you'll learn how to make honest-to-goodness healthy food choices that will satisfy your appetite and allow you to start whittling away at those needless excess pounds. Atkins Induction is not the whole Atkins Nutritional Approach. S imilar to the ketogenic diet that Dr. Walter Lyons Bloom developed in 1972, Induction is only the first phase. If followed correctly, it will help you kick-start your weight-loss efforts and increase your chances of finally gaining complete control over your weight. Originally, Bloom used his innovative bacon-and-egg diet in a published scientific study that compared fasting to a zero-carb diet