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high carb vegan diet

i need to go on a diet. should i go low carbor low fat? well, the goal of any diet is to become lowfat. i meant to say, should i give up carbs orfat to lose weight? low carb helps you lose weight if you arediabetic, are pre-diabetic or have metabolic syndrome. controlling blood sugar via givingup carbs makes weight loss easier. high carb vegan diet, i don’t have diabetes. low fat helps you lose weight if you’reconsuming too much junk food and processed food. if you go low fat, you in essence stopeating a lot of high calorie foods. the low carb diet is appealing. i get to eatsteak and eggs and lose weight. you won’t lose weight if you switch to highfat foods and eat more calories than you burn. then i’ll give up fat. technically, then you could eat a bag of marshmallowsand still be on your diet. i’ve even seen marshmallows, pure sugar, labeled low fatin big red letters. so i’ll give up the white bread so i canlose weight. white bread is blamed for a lot of modernills like di

5 bite diet day 3

(jennifer)....hands of a champaign county jury. plus, why this building andthe u of i campus is evacuated. and eating fast food 24/7could make you lose weight? how some areastudents are proving it. 5 bite diet day 3, (female speaker).and another night of frosty conditions astemperatures drop below freezingunder clear skies. (jennifer).at med center 3 tonight, roll up your sleeves. vermilion county got ashipment of flu shots. makes it's way to the big apple,get a look at this year's rockefeller tree, it'llput you in the spirit. and next on wcia 3 news at 5,why these kids are turning to fast food as away to lose weight. and we have breaking news andan update on our top story, there is a verdict in themurder trial of dondre moore, he is accused ofkilling an urbana man. we don't know what the verdictis right now, but all parties are headed to the court roomand as soon as we have a decision there, wewill bring it to you. a group of local film makerswants to change the way yo