New Kickin Carb Clutter Facebook Page

Now that I no longer work for Suite 101 and they've taken down my articles, I've been giving my Facebook Author Page a lot of thought lately. With the range that page covers so large -- low-carb, PSMF, gluten-free, gluten-free dairy-free, moderate carb, freelance writing, autism, plus my miscellaneous articles at Info Barrel -- I've found it difficult to target the needs of each of those groups with a single page. Plus, when people post to that page, I have no idea which group they belong to.

Hence, I've been neglecting it completely.

So to remedy the situation, I created a Kickin' Carb Clutter Facebook Page this morning where I can post items of interest to those specifically on a low-carb diet. If you have a minute, please drop by and "Like" my new FB page, so you'll start getting my low-carb updates, links, pictures, and other items. Thanks so much for your support.

Kickin' Carb Clutter Facebook Page


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