
Showing posts from March, 2015

New to the Atkins Diet? Advice for Beginners You Won't Want to Miss!

Happy Eggs Are you new to the Atkins Diet? Getting through the first month or two can be a bit confusing or overwhelming, I know.  I get a good amount of email from people who are just beginning a low-carb diet plan and are confused about the way it works. Maybe, the diet isn't living up to your expectations. Maybe, you haven't actually read Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution . You're just trying to implement the Atkins Diet from what you've  read online. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about the Induction diet on the internet.  Everyone thinks they know what a low-carb diet plan is and what it can do to you. However, the Atkins Diet isn't just: bacon and eggs greasy cheeseburgers and T-bone steaks Fears vary from person to person, but can range from Atkins causing kidney problems and high cholesterol levels to being responsible for gallstones and heart attacks.  Did you buy into any of these myths? Are you feeling a bit hesitant right about now?  I

The Truth About Sugar Substitutes

What is the Truth  About Sugar Substitutes? (photo frankleleon , CC BY 2.0 ) I get a lot of questions about sugar substitutes. In general, artificial sweeteners are allowed and even encouraged on low-carb diets. Low-carb diets claim that sugar substitutes don't raise blood glucose levels, and therefore, can't interfere with fat mobilization. The only caution I've heard over the years is to not use aspartame and count the little packets as 1 carb each. On Atkins Induction , the packets are also limited to 3 per day. But is any of that true? Are low-carb advocates telling us the truth about sugar substitutes? Or are they just trying to sell us something? I'm a follow-the-money type of person. I'm always wary when it comes to people trying to sell me on an idea that is to their financial interest for me to swallow and believe. Because of that, and because it's been years since I wrote about the truth of sugar alcohols on this blog, I did a little more research int