The Truth About Sugar Substitutes

Tray of sugar substitute packets
What is the Truth
 About Sugar Substitutes?
(photo frankleleon, CC BY 2.0)
I get a lot of questions about sugar substitutes.

In general, artificial sweeteners are allowed and even encouraged on low-carb diets. Low-carb diets claim that sugar substitutes don't raise blood glucose levels, and therefore, can't interfere with fat mobilization. The only caution I've heard over the years is to not use aspartame and count the little packets as 1 carb each.

On Atkins Induction, the packets are also limited to 3 per day.
  • But is any of that true?
  • Are low-carb advocates telling us the truth about sugar substitutes?
  • Or are they just trying to sell us something?
I'm a follow-the-money type of person. I'm always wary when it comes to people trying to sell me on an idea that is to their financial interest for me to swallow and believe.

Because of that, and because it's been years since I wrote about the truth of sugar alcohols on this blog, I did a little more research into the whole topic of artificial sweeteners over the past few days. I was looking for new information and concerns. While most of what I found, I already knew, there were a few surprises.

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