12 Low-Carb Breakfast Ideas to Make Your Mornings Easier

Egg Fried in Center of a Bell Pepper Ring; Served with Cucumber Slices and Tomato Wedges
Egg Fried in the Center
of a Bell Pepper Ring
Makes Great LC Breakfast!
Breakfast is hubby's favorite meal of the day. He loves a hearty, filling breakfast in the morning. In fact, when we used to go out to eat before I went gluten free, we almost always went out to eat on Saturday or Sunday morning. He loves all of the basics you normally find at a cafe:
  • bacon and eggs
  • sausage and eggs
  • ham and eggs
  • omelets with salsa
  • fried potatoes
  • french toast
  • pancakes
  • biscuits and gravy
When we went gluten free, going out to eat stopped, but eating a hearty breakfast did not. We simply started making a big breakfast at home on the weekends. During the week, hubby didn't eat breakfast. He simply took a large lunch with him to work. However, his latest job change has dramatically affected the way we eat now.

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