What to Expect if You Cheat On Your Low-Carb Diet

Man With Fingers Crossed Behind His Back
I've been digging into the archives here at Kickin' Carb Clutter and came across this old blog post about the various consequences you can expect to experience if you cheat on your low-carb diet.

I don't really like the word cheat.

If low carb is truly your way of life, if you have actually committed to a low-carb lifestyle, there really isn't any cheating going on. You might have days where you eat more carbohydrates than you planned, but plans are like that.

No matter how structured or detailed your low-carb intentions are, resistance of some kind is going to rise up to oppose what you really want to do. If you're like most folks, the pleasure of the moment often supersedes your long-term target.

Success on any low-carb plan is tightly connected to how well you follow the program. While that might sound obvious, it's much more difficult to pull off, so take a few minutes and think about that.

Success isn't about setting goals or having lots of willpower to push through temptation.


Success is a mindset you develop over time.

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