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ayurvedic diet

food we eat builds body in this body mind and thought forms food we eat influences body and thoughts science describes what to take and what not to take restrictions are also given on how much quantity of food to take and when to take ayurvedic diet, food/annam is brahmam ones thought and attitude can be changed food is categorized into sattvic, rajasic and tamasic foods satvic in nature increases sattvic guna, rajasic increases rajo guna and tamasic gunas increase tamo guna in ones mentality tendency to do unethical and dark emotions comes from the food we consume purest diet nourishes body and maintain a perfect state if a breast feeding woman takes spicy, stale and non vegetarian food, child suffers from constipation according to vedas mind in annamaya people hardly cook food in morning and kept this for night or next day. ayurveda says food cooked after 3hrs becomes toxins or tamasic food one yama is 3 hour after 3 hour, food becomes tamasic in nature tamasic guna leads to fear, sl

ayurveda diet

namaste mrs. gursharan ji. you have come to dr vikram’s clinic today for medical consultation. can you tell us what medical condition are you suffering from? i was suffering from ulcerative colitis. it was diagnosed in a hospital in singapore after i took colonoscopy test there. they prescribed me allopathic medicines after that. when did this happen? approximately two years back. ayurveda diet, do you have any reports of that time? no are these reports also of that same time, two years back? no, they are not the same, i have got these reports done after coming back, in last november. was your condition very severe at that time in november when you got these done? yes. what symptoms were you experiencing at that time? my stool was coming all stained with blood whenever i used to go to the loo. i had to go to the toilet four to five times in a day to pass stools and every time it use to be stained with blood. did you take allopathic treatment for that? i took allopathic as well as ho