Atkins 1972 Revolution Rolls -- My Way

Egg-Salad Sandwich Made with Atkins 1972 Revolution Rolls
Egg Salad Sandwich 
Made with Revolution Rolls
(photo SG, CC BY-ND 2.0 Generic)
In the 1970s, when I first ran across the Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution book at the library, I didn't have enough courage to make the Diet Revolution Rolls. Although they are extremely popular today, I couldn't understand how beating egg whites into meringue could take the place of bread. The egg yolks are folded into the beaten egg whites, along with cottage cheese, mayo, or cream cheese, but that still didn't make sense to me.

Angel food cake and other sponge cakes are made in a similar way as Oopsies or Cloud Bread, but for cake, you have to add a little all-purpose flour or cake flour to the beaten egg whites to hold the cake together. For cake, the yolks are not used.

The original 1972 Revolution Rolls didn't have anything added to them to hold them together, except for cottage cheese, and that's probably more about moisture retention from baking the rolls so long, than improving their texture. However, I'm extremely glad I didn't try them back then. I don't think I would have liked the recipe as originally written.

Gluten-free baking is extremely temperamental and limiting myself to low-carb ingredients would have only make things worse.

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