paleo diet menu
paleo recipes hey ok 0 i paleo diet menu, e long diets on trial series right now andwe're gonna put some other most popular fad diets to the test to see if theirstrategies really works joining us right now is weight loss specialist doctor diet k died and that's the theory behind talkthis is the paleolithic diet caveman diet prehistoric die andbasically the claim is we need the way nature intended st all about our genes we need like ourpaleolithic ancestors who or on this earth for twoand a half million years before green agriculture difficult anyone specific walls what it lookedlike they were adopted to their life okay as you can with means fruits andvegetables gathering and hunting a lot me so let's look at atypical crack so here we have egg white omelet time mean sausages best all as you cansee there's no tells no serial all protein i'll that mean and vegetables here we have a typicallives and again it's missing the grain what wedo have are lots of phytochemic...