my diet coach

my diet coach

narrator: welcome to a brief introductionof your mobile nutrition app. narrator: you will receive your login credentialsfrom an e-mail provided by your plan provider. type in the user name and mobile password,then click login. narrator: the summary page will appear, showingyou the recommended calories. narrator: to retrieve your meal plans, clickon the my plan icon button. my plan screen

my diet coach

my diet coach, will display all of your meals according tomeal times and the recommended foods. if you would like to exchange a food, press on thefood and then press the arrow button in the top right corner. then click “exchange.” narrator: search the food database for a foodpreference. once you add the located food,

you can simply click on it and confirm theexchange. the mobile app will automatically adjust to serving size to keep the calorieswithin balance. narrator: other functionality includes theability to remove foods from the plan. narrator: there are some handy shortcuts availablewith the program, including the grocery cart. you can generate a grocery list from yourmeal plans that are recommended. highlight the number of days you would like to go shoppingfor, then click done. a grocery list will be generated and produced in neatly organizedcategories to make the grocery shopping experience easier. when you click on the food, as youput the foods in th-the shopping cart, they will be moved to the bottom of the list witha blue checkmark.

narrator: another time-saving feature is tocopy to log. if you follow an entire meal, you can click on the icon and confirm it tothe log date. this will save time logging your foods. by clicking on the plus sign,you can also search the database for additional foods and log them to your specific mealtimes. narrator: you can adjust the serving sizeof the [follows?] by using the selector. then click add to log. narrator: you can also log exercises. there’sa list of over 400 different type of exercises and activities that you can scroll through,or use the search query button, type in the activity you’re looking for, then clicksearch. adjust the number of time or duration,

then click the arrow button in the top rightcorner and add it to the log. narrator: all of your food logging will berecorded as calories in, in food, and exercise will be recorded as calories out, showingyou the net total difference. and all food logs will be tabulated with their appropriatepercentages of protein, carbs, and fats. you’ll also be indicated of the number of caloriesremaining for your daily budget. narrator: if you can’t find a food in thefood database, click on the settings icon in the lower right corner and then click,“add food.” copy the information directly from the food’s nutrition label. make surethat you select the appropriate category. narrator: all of your favorite foods thatyou enter will be neatly saved in your favorite

foods folder for easy searching and access.these can be also added to mealtimes. narrator: another convenient feature is themeal favorite heart icon button. by clicking on the heart, you can save all the foods withina mealtime as a meal favorite for future reference and faster meal logging. narrator: for best results, use your mobilenutrition app daily to stay on track of your goals. [end of file: aag healths diet and nutritionapp


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