apple cider vinegar weight loss drink recipe

apple cider vinegar weight loss drink recipe

whats up its max barry owner of max's best bootcamp and this is your 5 minute abs flat stomach workout - let's go five moves one kettlebell no sit-ups nocrunch is set your hiit interval timer for 50 seconds of work followed 10 second rest thisintense ab workout will melt belly fat fast be sure to get in a quick warm up and we'reabout it into this thing right now

apple cider vinegar weight loss drink recipe

apple cider vinegar weight loss drink recipe, alright guys time to get a flat stomachright now its down in five seconds grabyour kettle bell training now perform five kettlebell swings 10 toe taps first move going down three two one go

1 2 3 4 then put it down ten toe taps now if you want a littleextra don't even tap the handle bring the feet up higher and faster when its too much go lower keep moving10 and that start with the kb swings two handers now on the swings you can go russian style which is alittle lower like this or overhead as all the american swing either way five and then two three four five sixseven eight nine ten back swings five seconds for as many reps as you can do for fat burning best three two one time

good put the kettle bell aside next move we're going to be down on theground in the deck kettlebell side plank that's crazy we're going to start a side plank coreon they get working right from here hold it up and we're going to switch atthe half and if this is enough for you right here you go with that otherwise thrust it up major abs workout burn for those obliques total core getting shredded right here

good switch other side over going tokeep my eyes on you guys good kettlebell up side plank hold up this is enough for you awesome otherwise we're going down up three two one time carefully put it down good back up guys nice all right now we're going to go pick the kb off the ground this rack position another cool we'regonna switch at the half going spiders we're going up 1 2 3 4 right up bringingthat wide

bring it up hi now every time that webring that knee up to the side working those obliques and this v-taper righthere guys bring it up bring it up now switch right to the other side keep working out wide up a little train comin rightnow no problem nothing's going to stop usgetting this core workout going ten seconds bring it up stay up tall standing abs do not humker over to reach the kneebring it up to the elbow good time nice next ab exercises we're going to put itdown and

it's actually going to be behind yourfeet going to start my position three two one go we're going to pike upthen reach hold it here other side reach it up hold the position reach back up if youwant a little extra we will farther away from the bell wide feet reach through that again another option when you come back into this position add a push-up why not reach through that get that's nice make sure you alternate each time whenwe're reaching got time for a couple

more guys this is not a fast movementwhat i really feel those lower abs working as we put up three two one time good job back up all okay last flat stomach exercises werehere finish it up strong we're going to go 10twisters and then one quick sprawl on the ground going 10 front of you like thiswhich is kind of like a plank similar move to those spiders standing abs we were doing earlier, but fasterwe get some that hiit going 10 and then you're going to go ahead down quicksprawl back up 10 twisters then back down and onthe kettlebell quick plank back up next we're reaching across

it's about 10 and now you want a littleextra on the sprawl check it out advanced one hand just like that that's how you know that would be alittle too much for you good seven seconds keep working three two one time good awesome job you guys those abs arealready starting to look a little flatter and tighter for sure if youenjoyed this flat stomach workout video be sure to smash the like button subscribe to our youtube channelshare this with a friend if you think

they'll enjoy it too and if you have any questions about thisab work out for ideas for future workouts videos be sure to post all that down inthe comments section below thank you for watching this video you guys have anawesome day!


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