dieter dengler

dieter dengler

[subtle background music starts] from the criminally insane who put themselvesin grave danger, to epic, hollywood movie inspiring criminal masterminds, we count downthe top 10 most daring prison escapes in history. #10 john dillinger: ever hear of the band,‘the dillinger escape plan’—that’s in reference to john dillinger, who was originallyknown as ‘public enemy number one.’ when

dieter dengler

dieter dengler, he was arrested in 1934, dillinger was sentencedto lake county jail—which was swarming with prison guards, national guard troops and countypolice officers. because of its incredible level of security, lake county was notoriousfor being ‘escape proof’. well—if it’s on this list, you can guess what happenednext. the crazy dillinger saw this as a challenge,

and in probably creating the arts and craftsclich㩠for criminals, carved a fake gun out of a piece of wood—held a sheriff at gunpointand stole his car. sadly—or luckily—when dillinger ripped across the state line andinto illinois in a brand new ford, the fbi tracked him down. #9 alfred wetzler’s escape from auschwitz:very few people successful escaped the concentration camps during the holocaust. this story isone of true wit, ability, stamina and heroism. wetzler and a friend, on the eve of passover,climbed into a hollowed pile of wood in the middle of auschwitz. others littered the groundwith russian tobacco and gasoline so they wouldn’t be discovered by nazi canine brigades.wetzler and his friend stayed buried in the

wood for four days, and then threw on stolendutch uniforms and ran for the polish border—using a map from a child’s atlas to guide them. #8 world war ii—the escape part ii: thenazi party at one point had a mission called operation reinhard, which sought the introductionof mass killing facilities at the nazi sobibor death camp. in a twist of fate, this operationended up being one of the most successful escapes of the war. prisoners of war leonfeldhendler and alexander pechersky taught other prisoners to make knives and other weaponsduring work, and then used those weapons to kill their captors when they would come topick up items from the camp workshops that needed repairing. in a swift move, leon, alexanderand other prisoners killed off enough guards

that over 300 prisoners could escape. talkabout your real life, ‘inglorious bastards’. we can hear quentin penning that script now. #7 the great escape: now a common term ofphrase and the prodigal hollywood escape story, the great escape is one of the most famousescapes of all time. in 1944, allied imprisoned soldiers dug tunnels thirty feet under stalagluft iii prison in nazi germany and out to the surface, complete with support beams,lamps and oxygen pumps for the escape. sadly, the tunnel surfaced just short of the forest,and the outside guards saw the last soldier as he crawled out—the 77th person to escape.this started an immense nazi manhunt to find the allied prisoners, and all but three ofthe escaped soldiers were caught. while a

touching tragedy, their legend and incredibleplight to escape lives on today. #6 escape from alcatraz: another hollywoodfavorite, this outstanding 1962 escape was made famous by clint eastwood. alcatraz isequally famous for its incredible security and stature as a menacing prison, so any escapefrom alcatraz at all would probably make this list. taking resourcefulness to a new level,prisoners frank morris, clarence anglin and john anglin figured out how to fashion a drillfrom a vacuum cleaner motor and carved a hole in the concrete wall until they hit the ventilationsystem. the three then crawled their way to the beach and sailed a homemade raft out intothe san francisco bay—never to be seen again. #5 welcome to the jungle: while this escapestory may not have been quite as affably adventurous

as the guns & roses song ‘welcome to thejungle’, it’s still an story of extreme human perseverance. dieter dengler’s planewas shot down during vietnam and he was pulled into a pow camp—but that wasn’t goingto stop him at all. dieter and six others killed three guards and ran off to the jungle—withdieter not being discovered for 23 days. when he was finally found by a us helicopter, dieterwas dehydrated and pocked with mosquito bites and leech marks. he’s famous for being theonly soldier to make a successful escape during the vietnam war. #4: frank abagnale—the story behind ‘catchme if you can’: while the film version of ‘catch me if you can’ couldn’t helpleonardo dicaprio steal the oscar for best

actor, the real life ‘catch me if you can’story helped frank abagnale escape with his life. in 1971, abagnale was being transportedbetween prisons without his paperwork. for a man that had made a living forging documentsand taking advantage of the system, this was a no-brainer for abagnale, who worked withhis friend to convince the guards that he was an undercover inspector. abagnale madeidentification to back this up, and when it came time to be transported, he fooled theguards into thinking he was a member of the authority. the guards promptly let him go. #3 friends in high places: pascal payet wasincarcerated for murder in 2001. but, that seemingly didn’t deter his friends fromliking him. in france, most prison exercise

yards are located on the roofs and left opento the air. payet simply took advantage of an easy situation and had his buddies pickhim up from the exercise yard in a hijacked helicopter. however, someone needs to ducttape anvils to payet’s legs, because in 2007 when he was incarcerated again—he waspicked up by another helicopter. he hasn’t been seen or caught since. i guess they allfigured it wouldn’t work a third time #2 compact and efficient: choi gap-bok wasarrested in south korea in 2012 for robbery. gap-bok then immediately starved himself forfive days and then asked for his, ‘special cream’ that he needed for his health. oncethe guards fell asleep, gap-bok coated himself with the cream and squeezed his body througha 6 by 18 inch foot slot in 34 seconds. a

nationwide hunt ensued, and gap-bok was caughtafter six days—and placed in a cell with a smaller food slot. he’ll need a lot morecream to get out of that one. #1 el chapo can’t be tamed: famous mexicandrug lord joaquin loera, otherwise known as el chapo, escaped from federal social readaptationcenter on july 11th, 2015 after constructing a 1.5 km escape tunnel underground, fullylit and flush with air ducts. it was even quite sizeable, at 1.7m tall and 75cm wide.what’s so bizarre is that this is the second time el chapo has escaped like this. in 2001,el chapo escaped the exact same way from a different prison with a virtually identicaldesign. the escape from 2015 must have been a layup. what do you do for your one phonecall? call your friend and say, ‘hey, man—tunnel

time!’ next time el chapo is captured, let’simprison him on a space station or something. hey guys fresh here and thanks for watchingmy video on the top 10 most daring prison escapes in history. for those of you on mychannel that use twitter feel free to follow me @freshjiivetv, there will be a link inthe description below. as always, don’t forget to like or subscribe if you alreadyhaven’t!


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