low glycemic index diet
inspire med spa official wedding prep [intro music] [the bride-to-be wedding prep] 0:14: doctor castelluber: hi this is doctorgisele castelluber from inspire med spa. today we are gonna talk about tips for thebride to be. i hope you enjoy it.
low glycemic index diet, [weight-loss] 0:26: doctor castelluber: first topic we gonnacover is weight loss. thats something that you need a little time to prepare for. youcannot if you want to lose 10 pounds for example you have to take four to six months in advancebecause you can work on it. i wish it was
that easy to kind of decide and go. at inspiremed spa we have a hcg diet, we have an appetizer present diet, and then we have for peoplewho don't want any kind of medication, we just have the low glycemic index diet so weprepare you two start your journey for your weight loss. [skin care] 1:02 doctor castelluber: the other topic wegonna cover is skin care. it is very important for the bride to look best in the big day,so we have things that can help you like chemical peels, facials, treatment for decolorization,that's other creams also we have a skincare line that can help you a lot of your skin.that has to be done at least 6 months in advance.
also because all the conditions needs timeto heal in order for you to be ready for your big day. for acne patients we have to addressmany factors because acne of course is not just the skin. the skin is just a mirror ofwhat's going on inside, so we could do some nutritional counseling. we address this withacne facials. we do prescription of medications and creams and we have also chemical peelsfor all the ance and the blemishes to be address. they have to be address very early in thegames or before six months at least. [mature bride] 1:02 doctor castelluber: for the mature bridewe can combine botox, we can combine fillers, we can do lasers, or chemical peels, dependingon your skin type and that can make your skin
feel fresh you will look relaxed nothing insufficientso you gonna be happy and look better relaxed. for the mother of the bride we can addressalso the wrinkles some discoloration the skin freshes so you gonna be in the spotlight soyou have to look the best too so all the same imbalances or the mature bride and everythingwe can address that towards the mother of the bride also. the fourth topic we gonna talk about it thelaser hair removal some people have this misconception that the laser hair removal can be done inone session and we remove all of your hair. unfortunately doesn't work like that. youreally have to schedule that in advance at least six months because the session are sixto eight session for you too see results and
unfortunately the results are not for everybody.some people have 40%, some people have 70%, some people have 90% depends on your skincolor depends on the hair type. you really have all this concern has to be addressedfrom the consultation of the laser hair removal. so get ready for your journey to wed. ourgoal here for you is to understand that we need time to accomplish all your need so goodluck and stay with us. thank you. 3:42 [closing information]
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