cat weight loss

cat weight loss

ace is here with me today to demonstrate howto do some first aide for bleeding that you may find on your cat. if your cat is bleedingseriously from a wound and an artery, you'll actually see lots of blood pumping out andspurting out. definitely, you want to put pressure on that as best you can to help tostop the bleeding. if it's in the head and neck area, like this, you obviously want tomake sure that the cat can still breathe,

cat weight loss

cat weight loss, that you're not putting so much pressure onthat it's having trouble breathing. if the wound is on a limb, then you can put lotsof pressure on the limb, making sure that you hold the kitty's head so he can't comedown and bite you. but that sort of pressure will help to staunch the bleeding. of course,in the meantime, if you have someone who can

call your veterinarian so that you can getyour kitty in to be seen and have the wound repaired. gloves are important because ifyou don't know the source of the bleeding, you want to make sure that you don't contaminateyourself with any infectious or contagious material.


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