30 pound weight loss

30 pound weight loss

luigi gratton: welcome to product spotlight!i’m luigi gratton, vice president of nutrition education at herbalife. today we’re hereto talk about coq10 plus, a key product in our heart health line and who to discuss thiscardiovascular benefits than our own louis ignarro, nobel laureate and member of herbalife’snutrition and scientific advisory boards. lou thanks for being here.louis ignarro: great to be here.

30 pound weight loss

30 pound weight loss, luigi gratton: i’m going to step out andlet you talk and i’ll be back in a little bit.louis ignarro: whether we like it or not, it is important to learn as much as you canand take steps now to maintain your heart health. now you can control every day factorssuch as stress, diet, exercise, and weight

and there certainly is no substitute for thatbut how else but how else can we be proactive? herbalife’s coq10 plus and other heart healthproducts offer advanced and comprehensive support for heart health at any age. someof you may have heard about the power of coq10, some of you may not but those of you who haveknow it is vital for cellular energy production. short for coenzyme q10, it consists of twoparts, a protein and a vitamin and it is found in every cell of our body. you see coq10 workslike a vitamin acting as a catalyst to convert fats and carbohydrates in to energy. thisis why it is found in the highest concentrations in organs like the heart. they have high energydemands. coq10 is also an effective antioxidant and an excellent free radical scavenger. ithelps guard against free radical damage at

the mitochondrial level and helps to regenerateother essential antioxidants like vitamin e. sadly as you age levels of coq10 in yourbody declines and as a result you lose energy. this is because your cells are not able toregenerate as easily and your body cannot cope with stress. this makes the decline ofcoq10 in the body one of the clearest signs of aging but that doesn’t mean we have toshow our age. with an exclusive blend of coq10, vitamin d, and the non-fish essential fattyacid dha from algae, herbalife coq10 supports heart health in adults age 40 and above. thisblend also includes hawthorn berry which contributes to the overall antioxidant benefit. with theseingredients, you can fortify your heart with the energy it needs to function at a healthylevel.

luigi gratton: incredible information lou,thank you so much for sharing that with us today.louis ignarro: thanks for having me! luigi gratton: my pleasure! well that’sall we have time for today. i’d like to thank louis ignarro for explaining this valuableproduct test today. you could try herbalife coq10 plus and all of our other heart healthproducts by ordering today from the herbalife independent distributor.


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