gummy bear eating

gummy bear eating

and welcome to aspecial versus the world i'm joined by jp from healthy junk food and todaywe're gonna see how many french fries can too many have made you think you caneat we got 20 and according to the calculations we've done it's acalculation of the news about 75 per large fry so redo all these you beconsuming about 1,500 fries and about

gummy bear eating
what yeah we've got about six pounds offrench fries here i think that's enough to die but on the real reason i took amatter of a challenge because i'm like many endemic donald's

why not kill two birds with one stoneand possibly win $250,000 we're pretty good i'm gonna give you a couple badguys obviously you seen that consume huge amount of hand i'm a rusty guy ijust create recipes that i redo best way home i am in no way long as you're ableto consume mass amount of food but i do love for us to a balanced rise so theyknow they're going to go anyway and to our knowledge there really is no epicfrench fries challenge out there and we figured what better way to bring it upthen to do use mcdonalds and we're going to give ourselves 10 minutes on theclock to see how many french fries weekend so if you have any guesses as tohow far we're actually going to get go

ahead and drop those down in the commentsection below and 10 for the fentanyl bs in a stall and get down to the businessof being big and see how many friday we need to do this already yeah cold 53 hours people healthy fast food orshould i check out healthy junk food got their channel link down below

gummy bear eating,look because this challenge was theiridea channel and if you enjoyed this video be sure to click thumbs up

suggests a new challenge for me to tryand the future and until we meet again stay in school don't do drugs andalright


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