gummy bear eating challenge
what's up everybody welcome to anotherspecial episode of freaking versus the world i was recently contacted by acompany called tokyo treat which specializes in sending boxes of japanesesnacks candy and other goodies right to your doorstep of course i jumped at thechance because i rarely ever get a chance to japanese candy and a time ofneed some weird i'm gonna go for it and
marketer promise that it will be reallyreally weird so obvious installing wherein go about unboxing tokyo treegonna eat everything that's in this box so there we go that's it looks like we got over a dozenitems on the table here
i don't even know this but i expect ok damages you make sandwiches smart cardyeah i guess that is the whole point is
gummy bear eating challenge,to make sandwiches like it's really but i think is truestudent and his heart and marshall is terrible world
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