beans healthy or not

beans healthy or not

did you know 65% of people in america todayhave candida overgrowth, which is a yeast overgrowth, in an infection in your body thatplagues you, people don't even know they have it. i'm here with crista orekio, and she makespeople feel a lot better that necessarily don't know they ever have it, and she tellsthem exactly what to do, and she lays out step by step program that you can get ridof candida in your body well. so on today's

beans healthy or not

video, she's actually going to show us a self-diagnostictool that you could do from home in a simple as what? 2 minutes? less than that. for 6days in a row to really know if you have candida. i'm gonna do it. i'm actually a little bitnervous coz your telling me that 3 of the foods that people eat all the time that actuallyfeed these nasty creatures in your body right?

yah. people have it all the time. and i thinkit's on your list when your consuming this food huh? definitely except for one of them,i'm not really a big beer drinker. did i actually give one of them away? you did. alright. it'salright. so let's talk about the other one. the food that's feeding your candida in amoment let's talk about those. but first, tell me really how dirty and grimly this littlething in your body, could you paint a real vivid picture for me? yah. well candida isa, it's a chronic infection. it's something out living in your system that needs to befed. yah. and when we get this overwhelming food cravings, it's not really us cravingthe food, it's candida organisms that's over grown and these is not just limited to women.a lot of times you hear it with women, but

its men too. all you have to do is have aone round of full spectrum antibiotics through your life, and you can get this candida overgrowth,and i said i've seen it among 2 of every 3 of my clients. and it contributes to adrenalfatigue, chronic exhaustion and digestive complaints, lifelong digestive complaints,weather its constipation, bloating and depression. 'coz digestive health and mental health areinextricably connected, and also, on thyroid health. there are 2 million americans withthyroid problems, can be healed by getting rid of these crazy organisms. did you say75% reduction in getting colon cancer soon as you get rid of candida? yah. you can slashyour lifetime chances of colon cancer by getting rid of candida by 75%. so let's talk aboutthe test, test you for candida, what do you

think? your doing this on camera? were doingit on camera. i'm a little bit nervous. i'm not. well your asking these guys to test sohere we go. here we go. drew's gonna be the guinie pig. and if you get me offended byspitting on a cup, close your eyes. okay. so here we go. okay so what do we have todo, first thing in the morning, you go ahead and spit, first thing when you wake up inthe morning, is you fill up a glass of water, halfway, before you eat or drink anything,before you brush your teeth, and then you spit, about a dime size amount, that's abouta quarter right? yah. your a cheater. so you spit in a glass and then you watch it 2 or3 times for 45 minutes before your getting ready for work. you wanna know if it sinksto the bottom, yah, if it does, there's more

of them than you, does it grow legs, or doesit stay for a long time? if it does anything but floating on top, then you should probablyclean yourself of candida. but you have to do it 6 days in a row, of here included, butyou can put out and clean them. so if your going to commit to this, hit the green buttonon youtube or in, wherever your viewing this, because were gonna see if wehave this. were gonna do this for 6 days. it's looking right, we got some legs, growthhere, you just stick around, were gonna come back to that in a moment okay? now let's getinto what foods people eat that they don't know feed this little critters that are takingaway your life in your world and in your joy in your health okay. and 3 food, or theseare drinks that you may be craving, that maybe

it's the candida craving it, and not necessarilyyou. its adding to these infection that just won't go away. yah and one of them is a one of them i drink everyday that i didn't even know that feeds candida. that soundsto be a healthy drink and stuff. it shocks everyone. yah. the first one is beer. yah.and i think its pretty obvious because beer is made from yeast and that feed these thatreally are fermented and then sugar, honeys are representation of sugar but when i hadcandida, i would go out with my pajamas in the middle of the night to get something sweetand that's a craving that's bigger than you. okay. and then the drum roll, for you 3 kombuchasa day, drew if you have candida, don't worry i'll walk you through my program to get iteliminated. 'coz i am starting to see more

legs in this. i definitely see legs. is thatreally bad though? like be honest, based on what i've seen you probably need to cleanup your digestive health, but time would tell. okay perfect. so kombucha is like the healthdrink right? and all the things that can't go wrong, its an antibiotic, its full of vitaminsand it's alkaline forming. however, my clients who have candida, they drink 3 a day and theyfeel giddy afterwards and i tell them to remove kombucha unanimous because that's feedingthe candida. you can go back to it after you get rid of it. okay. but not before. the ideais just to be empowered to be your own health detective, and you keep yourself healthy thoughtall of life. if you have candida, and then you eliminate it, if you do it right, youknow you have to go to a program for 6 to

8 weeks to change your digestive health, itwill change your hormonal health and the trajectory of your health for the rest of your life andthat's why were doing this test. to see where we are. so were doing the first video of 3that cris and i are doing. we have exciting stuff for you guys that we're doing. the purposeof this video is to simply get you to take action. test. and crista agreed that if youdo this test, make a video response to actually show how your water's doing, see how yourspit looks, we are a community on health guys. we can show your spit and prize here you show us that video, she's gonna give us

beans healthy or not,a cookbook. yes she has right? the whole newjourney cookbook. a 180 use for food medicine coming at you if you show us your spit. showus your spit. alright fitlifers, drew canole,

everybody thank crista orekio for coming outon today's show. she's coming out and she's amazing. thank you for having me. yah. remember,were in this together.


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