zero carb diet

zero carb diet

hi. this is mark from, i’m going to tell you that you should eat carbs for breakfast… not. so, a lotof people think that you should have carbohydrates at breakfast because you’re going to burnthem all off the whole of the day. now, this is actually incorrect and it’s probablythe opposite. or in fact, it is true. the opposite is correct. so, when you eat carbohydrates,your body releases a hormone called serotonin. this is the feel good hormone, but it alsoaids with sleep. so, if you think about it, by having carbohydrates in the morning, you’regoing to be very sleepy by at least lunchtime, and you’re not going to be as productiveor as alert throughout the whole of the day. so, if you’re going to have carbohydrates,you should actually have them at the last

meal of the day, or kind of be around beforebedtime because, like i said, they’re going to help you release serotonin, which is goingto aid with your sleep. now, if you are trying to lose body fat, you generally don’t needto have too many. it’s best to have it from

zero carb diet,fibrous vegetables. you’ll get the pinchof carbohydrates that you need from fibrous vegetables. but if you’re going to havethem, do have them in the evening before bed and not in the morning. so, this is mark, and i’d love to hear your comments!


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