vitamins for weight loss

vitamins for weight loss

vitamin c, also known as ascorbic acid, isa water soluble diprotic vitamin, which is primarily found in fruit and veg such as broccoli,peppers and berries. humans, along with guinea pigs, are one of the few animals which areunable to produce their own vitamin c in the body, and so must obtain if from food. as vitamin c is a water soluble vitamin, thebody cannot store it and so a regular dietary

vitamins for weight loss

vitamins for weight loss, supply is needed to be maintain a health body. vitamin c is primarily known for being a strongantioxidant, and protects the body from oxidative damage. it works closely with fat solublevitamin e found in cell membranes which is also an antioxidant, and help to recycle it.

vitamin c also is needed for the biosynthesisof collagen, which is an abundant protein found in connective tissue, muscles and skin. mild deficiency is characterised by a weakimmune system, and severe deficiency of vitamin c is characterised by scurvy, the most notablesymptom being bleeding gums. this occurs because not enough collagen can be synthesised. it is near impossible to overdose on vitaminc, and many people take several grams regularly with no ill effects. over dosages are characterisedby frequent urination and stomach cramps. for more information in vitamin c, pleasevisit the link bellow.


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