weight loss tips for teens

weight loss tips for teens

hi! i'm kristen bryda here for expert village.i'm a dietetic intern at vanderbilt university medical center, and i'm here today to talkto you about the freshman 15. what are the main causes of freshman 15? well, leavingfor college and living on your own for the first time can cause many changes sociallyand emotionally. an irregular schedule can cause quick food choices, such as all youcan eat buffets and vending machines. as well

weight loss tips for teens

weight loss tips for teens, as a student meal plan can make junk foodvery tempting. decrease in exercise can also add to increase pounds very quickly that youmay not notice. by keeping track of your calorie needs, what you're eating, and increasingyour physical activity, you can easily reduce your chances of gaining extra pounds quicklythat will add up to the freshman 15.


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