weight loss games

weight loss games

so let me ask you um... i had my ownpersonal experience on election night and i was in a satire cite but i had toget something through an old work site that was incorrectly called panel at thereported that n_b_c_ tinker etc called an election in after it was with wordwind up in massachusetts about forty five minutes before they actually didand many of the mainstream news media

weight loss games

weight loss games, simply where a man with a story thatn_b_c_ called it without referencing mightily and without verifying it on theway n_b_c_ website or n_b_c_ sources uh... and your example of uh... uh...the this account which duped a lot of mainstream press in a lot of probably alot of other people are unwittingly on

the one hand it's nice to sort of usethat satirical platform to shine a light on the issues but if you're beingsatirical and not and therefore not entirely accurate in what you're saying becauseyou trying to be funny and so many people are duped by it don't youactually end up doing a disservice to the media audience and best disserviceto the country because you're driving people in the wrong direction all that but they know maturity and a little wasn't really amedia outlet with because i've been

created by anyone in add our reporter you are forever and the by live on thewebsite habitat terrible won't work i think we're going to miami actuallyexplosively report real information it's where it counts is not no doubt about that and indicate that isnot my personal order alpha deeper pop up at the top mexican it can make you can make seriouspoint uh... in between sita delving intobacteria type about let you know libertarians and dot burch

uh... characters i think like thatproduct you know i thought that the mixed with interesting and you know i iwould just keep in that pic you know there are there are media sources that peopleoccurred reason uh... black people like updated books for example to you know ifthey are reporting inaccurate information about student but theirreporting think the girders and i think that the distant but thisput a rental date in which people i i think some of them a lot of themapparently uh... what won't work if it

all day just bought it with humor thatwe still have without the followers and i met at the mouth of the problem withthe fact is that what we've been which is efficient uh... ahah redirected mission sort isthat for the utterly ludicrous statements like that our broker isinvolved in the folder pertz i think a lot of the spiritually effect theprocess


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