weight loss coach

weight loss coach

i want to talk about the relationship betweencortisol and protein. a lot of people don't understand this, butthere's a huge connection with cortisol, the stress hormone, and the breakdown of proteinin the body. i want to kind of show you kind of some overviewsof what happens. protein breaks down into amino acids.

weight loss coach

weight loss coach, if you know there's a lot of people rightnow with ... they have a lot of neurotransmitter problems. they have depression. they have attention deficit disorder.

they have anxiety and they're trying to takeslight drugs to improve the neurotransmitters, right? my question is why? why can't they get it from the diet? what's the problem? what's causing this amino acid issue? a lot of hormones are made from amino acids. why do people have hormone problems? why is their immune systems so bad?

why do they have bone loss and muscle loss? that's called atrophy, muscle loss. there's a couple things that allow this processto occur when you consume protein to make amino acids and turn them into body tissueand neurotransmitters. one is you need enzymes from the pancreas. let's say the person's a diabetic or they'veeaten a lot of sugar and they damaged the pancreas. that could be one big factor that they'renot breaking down into amino acids to be able to make these neurotransmitters anymore.

it could be also they're eating oil-cookedfoods. it could be dietary. it could be that they're not consuming enoughprotein. i didn't even put that on there, but that'skind of rare. it could be stomach. they don't have enough hydrochloric acid andthey have heartburn and they have digestive they're taking antacids or whatever. that could be the reason why they're not gettingthese as well. digestive problems or it could be lower inthe digestive track.

they don't have the friendly bacteria to reallybreak down these proteins as well because that is something not only the stomach, butthe microbes help you make amino acids as well. the number one thing though is the high cortisol. that's really what will prevent this processfrom occurring and this comes from stress. cortisol creates a catabolic effect. comes from the word cannibalistic. cannibal. cannibal eats flesh.

catabolic hormones break down things. they break down muscle protein. with the cortisol, this high stress, theseamino acids are not absorbed in the muscle. you get a catabolic effect of the muscle. you get breakdown atrophy of the muscle. you get muscle wasting with cortisol. that's why during stress or menopause whenadrenal backs up the ovary, you see these people just like getting all flabby. that's atrophy of the muscle.

amino acids do not get absorbed into the muscleif the cortisol is high. the bone is not just calcium. it's a lot of collagen. it's a lot of protein. the bone also doesn't get the amino acidstoo so you have bone loss. third, the lymph system, the lymphatic, thelymph nodes, that's part of the immune system, it actually shrinks and it atrophies as well. it's called lysis which is the lymph breaksdown. what happens is it releases antibodies.

i want to get into that in a little bit, butfirst let me just kind of tell you what happens. we have the suffering of all the body tissuesof all the protein. muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, lymph, allthese things don't get the proper amino acids. now what happens as these amino acids go insteadto deliver. they go through a process called deamination. deamination. this basically is a term of breakdown of aminoacids. in other words, the liver will break downthese amino acids into ammonia and carbon skeletons and the hydrogen ion.

the ammonia turns into urea or urine or uricacid. that's why people get gout because they can't... this builds up too much because the liveris damaged or the kidney is damaged. carbon skeleton forms carbohydrates and glucose. in other words, your body is converting aminoacid to sugar, to glucose. that's interesting. the hydrogen ion, that goes out to the urine. wherever the hydrogen ion goes, so does thatpotassium. you lose potassium.

when you lose potassium, you become very,very alkaline. it throws off the ph and you can't absorb,oh my gosh, calcium. you have all these issues. all right. why? why is the body doing all this? because it's in a survival mode. it must create a secondary fuel source. when it does is it causes gluconeogenesis.

gluco, meaning sugar. neo, new. genesis, create. the body is creating new sugar from proteinfrom amino acids. it will basically allow the rest of the bodyto go to hell in a hand basket as long as it gets its fuel. the problem is all this carbon atoms thatit's kind of pulling, carbon skeletons that form the glucose will start spiking the bloodsugar and spiking the insulin and causing diabetes and belly fat and high cholesterol.

now there's some other things that i wantto talk about with this lymph. when you release the antibodies, you alsothen with a smaller lymph system start decreasing the production of antibodies. you don't actually produce these antibodieslike you did before. you also do not create the cellular barriersin the resistance against infections. you have a lowered resistance in the susceptibilityfactor and that's what causes the autoimmune disease. autoimmune diseases are the loss of toleranceor to differentiate from an invader, a healthy tissue, self and nonself.

your body starts attacking itself. that's what an autoimmune thing is. if you ask any person who had autoimmune diseases,when did it start? it always happen after a stress event or aloss of a loved one or a divorce. they start getting this because it stressesthe cortisol. cortisol is the main source of problems withautoimmune diseases. because it's used as the main cure ... notcure, but treatment. what do they give all autoimmune diseases? they inject them with prednisone cortisol.

they don't take it back and look at what happenedfirst. the first thing is that there's a spike incortisol and there's this whole reaction that occurs. you lose your lymphatic system, your immunesystem and your antibodies go out of control and you become susceptible and then boom,you start getting a loss of tolerance to other tissues. there's a delicate balance of your body determiningwhat's a good cell, what's a bad cell, what's a good microbe, what's a friendly bacteria,unfriendly. when it loses control, it starts developingautoimmune diseases.

now let me just touch on this. i mentioned antibodies, right? an antibody is a y-shaped protein that isused to neutralize invading viruses and bacteria. basically the antibodies help neutralize attackers. they basically tag or label some foreign microbeas an illegal alien that must be removed from the system so the other parts of the immunesystem can go in there and take over and remove it. it also can attack it directly and neutralizeit directly in some situations. the point is that these antibodies when theylose control right here, you become susceptible

to getting all sorts of chronic infectionsand autoimmune diseases. some interesting things about autoimmune diseases. they're treated with cortisol. we've talked about that. they turn off when you're pregnant. that's fascinating. there is a mechanism that protects the growingfetus from being destroyed by your immune system. apparently when you're pregnant, your immunesystem wakes up and all your autoimmune problems

disappear which is fascinating. we have a solution. we need to improve the immune system, nottry to attack it with steroids or we can actually just recommend that the pregnant female staypregnant and have about 13 or 14, 20 kids and then she'll be great through those years. that's another option. transplanted organs. they have to take cortisol because they have... their body rejects it. they develop antibodies against it.

cortisol is an antiallergic function or properties. autoimmune problems are always triggered bystress events. i've never met anyone that didn't have thatsituation. that kind of debugs why people have autoimmune,but cortisol is a very, very, very destructive thing to your protein if it's in high amounts. we want to apply the adrenal protocol forany of these diseases right here to strengthen the actual adrenal. one last little tidbit right here. calcium is lost to the urine with high levelsof cortisol too.

loss of the bone too. the calcium absorption is decreased throughthe blocking of the vitamin d receptor. what does that mean? that means when you go through high levelsof stress, your vitamin d goes down because it blocks the receptor. you can't absorb vitamin d anymore. there's a lot of people that get sun and theystill have low vitamin d. a lot of people have low vitamin d and they don't know why. the doctor says ... don't tell them.

it's probably because of high cortisol. cortisol decreases the receptor thereby blockingthe receiving of vitamin d and this is intimately connected to the immune system because vitamind ... one function is not just bone or calcium metabolism, it's immune protection.


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