weight loss challenges

weight loss challenges

hey, i'm karina from perthevolution movement. every single person who was willing to trywith us lost weight, shaped up, increased energy level and, what is off the hook, theyall resolved their digestive issues and improved their health. thank you for watching this video.

weight loss challenges

weight loss challenges, i take it that you are after sustained resultstoo. you may think that you have tried everythingand better health is not that priority anymore or you even gave up. many people do 80% exercising and 20% nutrition.

this is why they get slow results, not atall or bounce back quickly when they stop exercising. the true is that health, wellness, weightlose and lean muscle gain depend in 80% on what we eat. and i'm here for you to master with you thatproper 80%, your nutrition. we will work on your activities as well. so, as a group of coaches we provide differentservices and here is what i'm proposing so no string attached. firstly i propose that free 10 day 1 on 1coaching.

it's a great opportunity to reflect on yourcurrent lifestyle, we will discuss the pitfalls and i'll suggest you smart, simple improvementsyou can implement straight away. you will get a condense education on digestivehealth, metabolism, snacking, hydration, meal composition, meal planning. i'll give you feedback on every picture ofyour meal you send me through so you can practise the knowledge, improve your eating habitsand those 10 days bring great results. you'll also get invite to our local communityhere in perth and our events. it's so much fun with us and you may hav alreadyexperienced that being in close proximity to like minded people will help you achieve yourgoals.

and that's all for free. based on your health evaluation i'll proposeyou an optional and customised nutrition plan. actually, three nutrition plans so you canchoose one which suits best your needs, your commitment on getting results faster or longerand your budget. the nutrition plan is proven and guarantyresults. i lost 16 kg within 4 months. my partner lost 9 kg of body fat and now he'sgaining lean muscles like crazy but that is his goal. with nutrition plan you get support from yourcoach throughout the whole program, you also

get invitation and access to our online communityand weight loss challenges, with prizes, fun and even more motivation. over last 50 cycles our challengers lost over3000 kg. we are confident and driven by ours and ourclients results so you also have our gold standard 100% money back guaranty. what's next? hit the button, sign up to the program. after all what do you have to looseand, on mine and our coaches behalf, we are looking forward to working with you on yourbetter health.

talk to you soon.


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