water and weight loss

water and weight loss

yes really bad allergies back paint and i was overweight i used to weigh 230 pounds i started running exercising starting healthy and i lost i went down about 275 hard work eat right and

water and weight loss

water and weight loss, exercise in the next time i kept doing that but it stopped about was still have still dying in exercise about five days a week and it just stopped

i'm still doing it and i'm a lower back at a herniated disc and a lot of pain all over my back down my legs and it caused a lot of swelling feel like my back's on fire mother hell she's 85 15 or 20 years ago to get a double bypass she's been on the tip towards for many years and twitter lipitor about the ear

i think it's been about 10 years the doctor has said she's as seventy percent block each other rain then it is recently checked her and it was eighty percent blockage and so sent home give her some medicine energy we are already better on the water and later like double up on the kangen water make

sure she was wasn't taken to begin should have been since i was 12 which is about 13 years ago i started wearing contacts that every day that i wake up my eyes feel like sandpaper because they get so dry with the content big-time sweet and i create cards and candy and anything that's trigger i love with kangen alkaline water

i went down right now i'm up to 32 grant just with that water and did you feel any change in the energy all think that i was felt up when i sight for sore feet down for jake would like dragging your feet and your age you alot like energetic your body is clean not as toxic er as a felt like your overdrive all the time feels a lot more

fresh with the kangen water i see the pain went down about 70-percent i place to paint every day most of the day now if you're paying maybe once or twice a week for a few hours and i drinks water goes away oh yeah we went into a trip on to vegas for about 45 days and we think we always take a walk we know we ran out of kangen water

the last two days there and it gets to the point where you find yourself talking unless you start talking less you know you can either the uk is good you're just you're just become your body becomes just down and as soon as we got home starting the kangen alkaline water is just right up that's what your body needs yeah so she started taking her fully glasses of

water then two and a half months she went back to the doctor has recently got another test and her readings were fifty percent blockage and the doctor was right there ready to sign her up for operation that you didn't want to have if it had to wind down and so she's very happy that it went down to 50 so she's the water the water needed a clean

dogger artery down to fifty percent i the first night i drink the kangen water the next morning i got up and i'd slept really good i was actually breathing through my nose and i i said well i'm going to continue drinking this water and i beg my wife to start drinking the kangen water because we've been going up to turlock and she's at a coldness in her

body and she's had some other health issues with her herself and you're not getting blood test done and going to the doctor but we also took a product called protandim which i found out from one of my customers as well so i've been taking the pretender him and the water and i want drink sodas anymore i used to drink the vitamin water from moscow and

coursework much smart wife that she was drinking this kangen alkaline water from moscow and the guy at the door always made a joke about it but that's really not very good water i think that kangen water is the best water i spent four thousand dollars to buy a water machine i'm blessing people from my store i'm thinking about buying

another one and and put it in at my store so i can give a fresher water to my customers and i won't i won't be without the water because it's helped my wife and i very much after drinking the water i think i think about five or six kept the next morning i woke up in my felt fantastic normal they just didn't feel try it all and then after

drinking the water awhile i notice that didn't crave so much sugar before


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