water weight loss

water weight loss

my name is henry osti and i'm frommiami, florida. i'm sure cancer has touched everyone out there, for me, it touched my family in aprofound way. both my mom and my dad got cancer,they fought bravely, and we lost them a short 98 days apart.when that happened to me in my life i

water weight loss

water weight loss, wanted to figure out a meaningful way that i could make a contribution to theworld to fight cancer and really commemorate my parents. and i combined that with this sort of bucket list item i had this dream about biking across theusa.

so back in the summer of 2011 i created ride your dreams every day, set off on the big adventure my lifetime,one across the country, 3800 miles across nine states, climb40,000 feet, inside 375 people the registry. after i did my cross country bike ride ibroke my leg, when i broke my leg i wanted to figure out really how to heal myselfthe best way that i could, and i wanted to get the best water that i couldso, i did some research and found the powerand the benefits alkaline ionized water and looking for alkaline ionized water iwant to find the best company that i

could that could sell me the machine thatwould produce the best high quality water. i discovered tyent usa, it's a great company they have great products and i believethey have the best product in the market for producing alkaline ionized water. iuse the water so much myself when i bought the machine and i gave it to so many of my friends idecide to become a dealer for the product. 100 percent of the profitsgenerated

from me being a dealer for tyent usagoes directly into our foundation and our foundation is specifically 100 percent focused on saving lives, andtoday we're getting ready to take off the big event around the state offlorida. we're gonna bike 1000 miles aroundthe state over two weeks and what we're going to do is stop in various locations to host bone marrow drives. bone marrow drives are ways that we can grow the bone marrowregistry to help people who are suffering from

blood cancer or leukemia in order for themto get a transplant. the bone marrow registry is under subscribed and we need people to be part of it to help save lives. thank youtube usafor your great products and your sponsorship. it's gonna help us save lives, see onthe road.


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