diet cig

diet cig

hi, i'm norman effrog from the maple chapter, and i'm here to talk about some exciting newdevelopments in environmental sustainability. the old model was that environmentalists hadto be in opposition to corporations. nothing could be further from the truth. we have some exciting new plans to work withbusiness.

diet cig, for example... we don't need the whole ocean. we're happy to cede it to business interestswho need oil, rocks from the bottom of the sea,

or put telephone lines down there. we can take every fish in the ocean as itis right now fill up every building and skyscraper in amid-size city such as cleveland that's barely being used. and put all those fish inside those buildings. what about all the displaced people? well, you can have a hospital on a roof, it'snot hard. here's another example that's already in play: we've been gathering pinecones and buryingthem in cemeteries.

they're unsightly and they don't really growtrees. what about whooping cranes? don't we need those? we do. but. whooping cranes have tiny little feet and you can actually fit them in a prettysmall place if they're just standing. we're able to take acres of marshland turn that into valuable places

to put canoes that haven't been sold yet. wow! the desert's an ugly, dusty place. can we do something with that at last? you can ride your atv out there and take photographswith all your friends and buds. that sounds like a pretty fun compromise ifwe can just get the camels and scrubs out of the way. partnership with business allows us to manipulatecamels into any shape and size. now a thousand camels can fit into a shoebox. and that shoebox can fit underneath a bed,inside a filing cabinet, or anywhere you please.

thanks business. how can you help? you can start as small as clinking one ofthe links and supporting one of our business partners. or it can be as big as finding news ways throughbusiness

diet cig

to help put nature in different places thenit was before. i'm norman effrog from the maple chapter hoping you or a business you know, is figuringout a way to finally get whales small.


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