teenage weight loss

teenage weight loss

my name is joseph feaster. i am 65 years oldand i live in the town of stoughton, massachusetts. i was a diagnosed in 2001 with prostate cancer and february of 2002 i decided along with my wife in order toget

teenage weight loss

teenage weight loss, a radical prostatectomy, so i had thesurgery in 2002 one of my feaster idioms is you know i don't worry about what ican't control but i wanna take charge what i cancontrol and

what i determined throughout the recoveryprocess was that one of the things i could do is to pay closer attention to my health and what i decided to do was to go and begin exercise to do walking to start outwith things which were basically things that i can take charge of. i'm not agym rat so therefore i didn't feel like going over to the gym i have equipment at home but moreimportantly you can do something just like pickingup some sneakers and

go walking and so i decided to do thati'm at a point where by i have a regimen that i use for my walking a i wouldprobably say it's a mile and a half to two miles and the it's relaxing its scenic and it just gives you a chance to thinkif you like you can you put music on i'm not what i want to focus on what i'mdoing so i focus on on on the walk itselftaking the nature as i'm going after i walk i feel great in fact the since i've been walking i've alsoadvanced onto

doing some other types of exercises so iwent and got a video for p 90 x now i laughingly tell folks ican't yet do p 90 x i call it p 270 x because i have to devide the program into several different portions but ican tell you even haveing been doing that for a number of years now i would probablysay i'm probably p 180 x and i'm moving to end my goal is to beable to do the p 90 x except for maybe the yogaone. there's some yoga exercises i think i'm gonna leave alone so i don't wind upback in the hospital

the advice that i would give someone firstand foremost store i'll with what makes you happy don't try to do what joseph feaster has done you may start at a different placeyou may decide that it's better for you to get you motivatedthat you wanna go to a gym you can turn on a television go tocomcast or xfinity or whatever you have they have all the sport fitness ones andthey have the once for beginners intermediate

and advance they have all types ofcardio exercises they have yoga so what ito say find what works for you but do something reality is doing something i'm now 65years old i feel really fit you know able to do all that i want to do and i think it is inlarge part you know with god's blessing thati've been able to after 13 years to be able to feel as fit as i doing tobe able to do it and i think is largely because

i took control up my life and decided toexercise finished! i did it! (laughs)


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