two week weight loss

two week weight loss

with no gravity, the masses won’t put any force on the scale. both of them will weight zero. then, weighing both bodies zero, how could we distinguish them? their masses are the same, despite there is no gravity. what happens is that they haven’t any weight because there is no gravity force that pulls them against anything.

two week weight loss

two week weight loss, according newton’s second law the more mass a body has the more force we have to put on it to get an acceleration. so we are going to check what happens if we apply a force to each of them. this one is the lighter and this other is the heavy one. we can distinguish between inertial mass and gravitatory or gravitational mass.

inertial mass is the resistance that the bodies put up when pushed. gravitatory or gravitational mass is what makes that two objects, by having mass, they attract each other.


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